Saturday, July 30, 2011

When Everything Is Seemingly Gone, Don't Forget That You're Still Alive And Can Still Make A Difference...

Trying My Best To Feign Ignorance. Hoping That Nothing Will Happen. Everything Will Be Over. I Don't Know Anything. I Don't Want To Know. Don't Tell Me. I Can't Hear It With My Earpiece On. I Can't See Your Lips Moving. My Eyes Are Close. My Ears Are Shut. My Heart Is Closed.

Feeling So Tired Especially This Few Days. Yesterday Visited The Gym! Long Time Since I Went There. Had A Great Time Especially On The Treadmill. Haha! My Muscles Are All Aching Over Me And Today Morning Still Got Basketball Training. Tired To The Max And Muscles Getting On Tense Up!

Chemistry Results Are Back. Failed As Expected But I Could Have Passed If I'm Not That Careless, Which Cost Me A Total Of About 8 Marks. Haiz. Disappointed With Myself Being Good For Nothing.

There's Still So Many Homework Yet Done And There're Probably 5 Test Next Week! 2 Maths Test And A Social Study, History And Maybe Geography Testtt! STRESSEDDDDD UPPP! Don't Even Have Time To Rest. Study. Study And Study. Mug. Mug And Mug.

Feel Free To Formspring Me ANYTHING :D ( Don't Have To Be Just Questions! )


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Day I Noticed You Was The Day I Fell In Love With You...

Finally. School's Over, Just Back From A Crazy And Tiring Day In School With Lessons Ending At 4.40pm! So TIRINGGG. Feel Like Sleeping Throughout Most Of The Lessons. The Pokemon Comic Book Kept Me Awake :D Ahahaha. I'm Reading Comics In Class But Teacher Don't Know. I Know Right, Bad Boy! But I Don't Care :D Anyway I'm Too Tired To Pay Attention And Absorb Anything In Class.

Anyway Got Back My Test. Expected Results >>> A Fail For Both My A Maths Binomial Test And Chemistry Test. And I Did Fail As I Expected. I Didn't Think The Paper Was Difficult. For Both Test, I Was Careless And For Maths Test, Always Din't Have Enough Time To Complete. Sigh. Maybe It's Just An Excuse. Maybe I'm Really Stupid. Or I'm Just Lazy. Or I'm Not Putting Enough Effort.

Sharing This Song! :D~

Common Test In 2-3 Weeks Time. JYJY! :D


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's Not Always Bad To Fall Hard Because Those Are The Times When You Really Learn From These Lessons.

Noooooo!!! The Timetable Changed Again For The 3rd Time This Term... And Tomorrow Is Gonna Suck! Wednesday Lessons Will End Later At 4.40pm With Only 1 Hour Lunch While Fridays End Early At 12.25pm! Sian~

Wednesday Lessons Will Be So Very Tiring And Probably Half The Class Will Fall Asleep At The Last 2 Periods... The Worst Thing Is That Lunch Timing Is At 11.25-12.25pm! Which Means 12.25pm - 4.40pm Will Be A Rush Of Lessons Without Any Break In Between! How To Absorb So Much Stuff We Are Learning Into Our Brains When We Don't Get Breaks To Digest The Things We're Learning? Even A Sponge Has A Limit To How Much It Can Absorb And It Needs Time To Be Squeeze Dry Before It Can Absorb Again...

Today During Chemistry... Teacher Said There Was 26 Failers For Chemistry Test! Ewwww. Bet I'm One Of Them! I Balanced Wrongly!!! Arghhhhhhh. Whole Question Wrong. Sigh. I'm So Blur And Careless. So Dumb Of Me.

Next Week Is Also Going To Be Flooded With Test. So Stressssss. Test After Test. Never Ending Tests! How I Wish I Could Just Have A Break From This Life. And Some People Is Really Getting Onto My Nerves. I'm Okay With People Suaning Me Or Any Other Thing You Say About Me. Absolutely Okay! :D But Seriously, Just Because I've Good Anger Management, You All Try To Bully Me Is It? Don't Ever Take Advantage Of Me. If You Treat Me For Granted, Don't Blame Me If I Just Ignore You.

Deep Down Inside I'm Breaking Down Into Bits And Pieces. You Can't See It Neither Can You Feel It Cause You're Not Me. You Don't Know How It Feels Like. Totally Confused And Tired Of This Life...


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why I Just Keep Thinking And Thinking But Somehow I Still Don't Get It?

Just Back Home~ Fun Day Out :D Today Or Rather Yesterday! Morning Had Basketball Training Which Is Rather Slack Because We Played Match! :DD At Night Went Out With Weimin To Have Lunch At Food Junction @ NEX And Followed By Having Selegie Soya Bean @ Kovan... Original Plan Was Go To Kovan Icepool to Play Pool But Because Weimin Had Dragonboat Tomorrow And He Had To Wake Up Early... So We Decided To Go Have Supper @ Selegie! :D Hahaha... Lucky I Never Miss The Last Bus! Woots! Or Else Have To Walk Home And I'm So Tired... I Love Selegie Soya Bean!

'Feeling Very Drained... Not Only Physically Tired... I'm Used To Being Physically Tired But Mentally... I Still Can't Get Used To This Kind Of Feeling... Why Do We Always Ignore The People Who Adore Us And Adore The People Who Always Ignore Us? Why? Isn't It Irony? Why Are We Willing To Go Extreme Measures Just To Attract The Attention Of Our Love Ones? Why Are We Willing To Sacrifice Our Everything For That Special Someone Without Wanting Anything In Return? Why? Why Does Love Even Exist? Isn't Love Stupid? What Exactly Is Love? I Know That It Broke My Heart...Many Times... But The Worst Thing Is That I'm Still Not Immune To It...'

Time To Get Love Out Of My Dictionary... I Don't Know What's Love.. I Don't Want To Know What's Love...Does It Even Exist? If It Does, I'm Sorry I Don't Know About It...Might Have Thrown It Into The Dustbin, Sorry! I Only Know Now As A Student, I Should Concentrate Fully On My Studies! Yes Studies Only! Nothing Else! Okay...Now It's Just 1 Step Away From Dumping That Into The Rubbish... All You Have To Do To Make Me Numbed To Love Is To Reject Me! I Expect It Anyways :D C'mon! REJECT ME! I'll Be Able To Focus On My Studies Than! 

Feeling All Numb~


Friday, July 22, 2011

Why Am I Even Affected By You? Why? What Must I Do...

Yesterday Was A Great Day Out With My Awesome Cousins! :D Had A Great Time Eating And Eating!!! ( What Can You Do Besides Eating In A Buffet? ) Haha My Fail Cousin First Serving Take 4 Plates Filled With Food! End Up Go Take Even More And Can't Finish ^^ Hahaha! Great Manz! Need To Burn Some Fats... Eat Too Much ... Should Go Jogging Today! :)

Anyways Gotten The New Timetable Back...Every Wednesday Late Dismissal At 4.10pm! -.- Woooow Right? Every Other Day Except Friday Dismiss At 2.25pm And Friday Dismiss At 1.25pm! So Long Hours In School...It's Gonna Be Really No-Life.

And I'm So Prepared To Fail Chemistry Test... Careless Of Me To Balance The Equation Wrongly Which Means Every Other Part Of The Question I'll Get It Wronggg!!! Siao Liao... That Question Total Marks Worth 8 And The Test Is Upon 25 Marks! And I Left Some Questions Blank! Oops! Fail Lers.
Chinese 理解问答 Test Teacher Gave Us Only 50mins Instead Of 1 Hour Because He Came In Late! Cause Me Unable To Write Finish Some Of The Questions -.-
English Test Still Okay! Manage To Come Up With Some Interesting Story! :D

And The Weekends Is Here...Week 4 Is Almost Over.. Parents Going Overseas Till Monday! But Than I Really Don't Know What To Do Besides Revise At Home... So No-Life! I Want To Go Out But Than Don't Know Who Should I Get To Go Out With Me! I Want To Return To That Place! Awesome Nice Place! :D But Can't Find The Right Person To Go With Me ): Will Have To Wait For This Person... That Place Is So Beautiful At Night! Can't Seem To Forget ~

Let Time Tell Everything~ 
Hope It Doesn't Take Too Long...


Thursday, July 21, 2011

I Don't Have To Be Perfect... I Just Have To Wait For Someone Who Thinks I'm Perfect...

Bad Bad Day! Someone Come Up With The New Timetable And All I'm Gonna Say Is That It's Gonna Suck... 

There Will Not Be Any Recess During Wednesdays And Our Lunch Will Be At 2.25pm? Wow How Cool Is That? There'll Be Lessons From 8.40am - 2.25pm Without A Single Break In Between! Stupid Much? I Can't Believe Someone Actually Come Up With Such A Dumb Change To The Already Dumb Timetable.. And What's Worst? Everyday Is Gonna End Later And We'll Be Having A 1 Hour Lunch Break? <<< What's The Use Of Giving Us 1 Hour Lunch Break? We Don't Even Need So Much Time To Have Our Lunch And Worst Thing Is That On Most Days, There'll Be Lessons After Lunch Till 4+... COOOOOOOOOOOL!!! Let's Wait For The Timetable To Be Out! I Bet There'll Be So Many Open Letters To Our Principal! Ahahaha! :D

Second Thing That Made My Day Really Bad! The A Maths Test Was Not Very Difficult But Not Enough Time For Me To Complete! I Think I'll FAILLLLLL! Leave So Many Questions And Parts Blank! I Need To Get All Correct For Those Questions I Attempt To Pass..Seems Impossible? Haiz.

Tomorrow Still Got 3 Test! Chinese 理解问答, English Composition Test And Chemistry Test! So Little Time To Revise Chemistry Test So I Guess I'm Prepared To Fail... Will Be Going Out With Cousins Who Came Back From Sabah To Momiji Restaurant @ City Square Mall Soon, To Have Buffet Dinner! Woots! Yum! :D Must Eat More!!! ^^  Don't Care So Much Le!

It Was Only A Dream~

抬起头 数乌云 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Don't Know How I Could Live My Life Without You...

Phew... Today's Geography Test Still Okay! Maybe I Would Say It's Rather Easy! :D Expecting Good Grades This Time! No..I Must Get Good Grades This Time! MUSTTTTTTT!!! Can't Expect To Fail My CA2!

Tomorrow Got A Maths Binomial Test! Jiayou Jiayou! Must Do Well For This Test! Hope Tomorrow's Paper Don't Set Till So Difficult! :D

Faster Faster! Weekends Come Faster!!! WOOHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!! My Parents Going Overseas This Weekend! Time To Go Crazy! Yes GO CRAZY! Go Out Whole Day! But In Order For Me To Do So...I Shall Have To Sacrifice My Friday! ): Can't Slack On Friday Becos I Need Chiong Finish My Homework On Friday And Revise For Physics Test On Monday!! Can't Expect To Do Badly For My Physics! I Don't Want Any Subjects To Fail This Time..Not Even If It's By One Mark! -.-

I'm Not Gonna Care So Much...HUAT ARH!


Monday, July 18, 2011

How To Live Without You? How I Wish That You Could Stay By My Side...

Feeling The Stress This Week!~ Suddenly Remembered That There're Many More Test This Week! So STREEEESSSSSSSSS!!! On Wednesday, Not Only Got Geography Test, Still Got Chinese MCQ 测验 And 听写... Thursday Have A Maths Binomial Test, Friday Have Chemistry Test, English Composition Test And Chinese 理解问答测验... Sianzzzz~

Worst Thing Still Got PE Project! -.- The Most Dumb Project You Can Have Is PE Project And It's About Dance? Why Do We Have To Learn Folk Dance And Learn Their History Sia! No Link To What We Are Learning Now Lors! -.- Waste Our Time!


^ Nice Song!!! :D


Sunday, July 17, 2011

How I Wish Time Could Stop At That Exact Moment You Walked Past Me...

The Weekends Just Over Like That... Here Comes Week 4... 3 More Weeks To Common Test! Jiayous!

Today Went To Compass With Edmond To Get Someone A Birthday Present! :D Saw *AHHEM* At Compass Basement...But Doubt She Saw Me..Don't Even Think She Recognise Me Lors... She Walked Past Me Than I Realised Is Her...She Was With Her Friends... Din't Manage To Even Say 'Hi' Cause She Just Zoomed Past Me...

Sigh. It Hurts To Know That I Keep Missing Chances Like That...  I Missed One Already And Missed Yet Another One...I Don't Have The Courage To Face It Already.... I'm Breaking Down Very Soon... Feels So Extremely Empty Inside... How To Even Start? I Don't Even Have The Courage To Take The First Step... I Don't Dare To Think About The Future.... Every Second Without You By My Side... You Just Seem To Ignore Me Or Maybe I Think Too Much? It's As Hopeless As It Seems, Is It?

So So Confused... I Fear Telling You How I Feel Because I Rather Not Have You By My Side...Can We Just Be Friends? I Rather Not Know The Answer Than Get Rejected... Feeling So Extremely Lost... Nobody Understands This Kind Of Feeling...

Your Smile Melts My Heart...
Makes My Day...
If You're Smiling At Me...

Sigh. Totally Lost~


Friday, July 15, 2011

I Don't Wanna See No More...

The Weekends Are Finally Here! I'm So Super Happy Today! Geography Test Made My Day!!! Woohooooooooooo!!! The Geography Test Is Like So Freakkkkkiiiing Easy!? All The Questions Are So Simple And Fill In The Blanks, Each Blank Is 1 Marks And They're So Easy! :D But Than Today Combine Humanities Sucks! Suddenly Got Mock Common Test Let Us Do And The Marks Will Be Counted In CA2? Never Even Let Us Prepare Lor! -.-

Haiz...Next Week Fill With Test! Next Wednesday Got Another Geography Test, Thursday Got A Maths Binomial Test And Friday Got Chemistry Moles Test! ): Test Test Test! Need To Mug Hard...I Don't Wanna Do Badly For My CA2!

Nice Nice Song! :D >>>

That's All For This Post! Stay Tuned!~ Feel Free To Formspring Me Anything! :) You Can See My Reply At 


Thursday, July 14, 2011

It's One Of The Reasons I Just Can't Get You Out Of My Mind...

Tomorrow Have Geography Test!!! Eeeee...Haven't Study Chapter 6 Completely Yet And There's So Much Homework Left Undone.. End Of Year Coming So Soon After Common Test Which Is 4 Weeks From Now!!! Jiayous TY! You Can Do It! :) Jiayou To You Guys Too! Haha :D Oh And There's Photo Taking Tomorrow Too!

You walked away from me baby
I would've never done the same
You made me feel like our love was not real
You threw it all away, so...

Just A Short Post~ :)


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I Can't Face You Not Because I Did Something Wrong...I Just Don't Have The Courage To Do So...

My Maths Test Results Are Back..Both A Maths And E Maths....Results Are As Usual...Poor As Usual... What Went Wrong? The A Maths Test Was Supposed To Be Easy But My Marks Came Back Disappointed...Why? WHYYYYYY??? Din't Manage To Complete Most Of The E Maths Test..So Expected That I'll Fail Already And I Did...But A Maths, Never Fail... But My Results CMI! Feeling All Disappointed...

Will Be Having Geography Test This Friday...Expect A Fail Again..I Don't Understand Even At Least 50% Of What My Geography Teacher Is Talking About And I Always Feel So Sleepy During Geography Classes... She Said It's Easy And I Can't Trust Her..That's What She Said Last Time And I Failed Badly -.- Haiz...Geography Test Will Spoil My Friday.. Need To Jiayous! Can't Rely On Anyone! :)

Anyways Will Be Really Free The Next Whole Weekend..To Me Having Unlimited Freedom Is Greeeatttt!!! My Parents Going Overseas This Weekends!!! :DDD Wahahaha! But It May Seem To Be A Good Thing But Later I Never Study Than GG La! -.- Might Have Alot Of Test The Following Week! ):

I Don't Wanna Wait For You...I Don't Wanna Wake Up Thinking, Hoping...

Stay Tune! Formspring Me Your Views! Haha!


Monday, July 11, 2011

It's Always The Small Little Things That Can Add Up To Make A Big Difference...

Oh Yeah! Yesterday Had A Great Time At AMK Library Doing Homework With Richard! :) Haha Had Koi Cafe After That! Awessommmeeeee!!! Had Oral Today And Today Was My First Day Doing The Canteen Duty...

Oral Today Was Rather Nervous...I Keep Saying What I Wanted To Say Without Pausing! -.- My Friends In Front Of Me Had Such A Long Conversation But Mine Was Like Extremely Short! I Think I Might Do Badly This Time! ):

I Was Expecting Canteen Duty To Be Rather Relax And Slack Since There Are So Many Councillors Around And Students Won't Dare To Do Anything Silly ( Like Trying To Walk Past Us With Packet Drinks )..But I Was Wrong!!! So Wrong! I Was Surprised That There're Some Students Who're Actually Quite Bold...They Just Walked Past Us Carrying Drinks Or Eating Food And We'll Have To Block And Stop Them..The Worst Is Some Don't Even Care And Even Some Guys Ask Me To Help Them Throw Away Their Packet Drinks... EXCUSE ME, I'M NOT YOUR DOG! That Really Pissed Me Off.. -.-

Anyway, Many People Still Manage To Bring Drinks Or Food Up To Class, Either Bringing Up To Class In The Morning Or Hiding The Food And Drinks In Their Bag ( We Can't Possibly Search Their Bags? ).. And So We Still Can't Possibly Stop Everyone Of Them From Eating Or Drinking In Class... Can We?

Stay Tune~ Feel Free To Formspring Me Anything! :)


Friday, July 8, 2011

Life's Too Short To Worry About What Other's Say About You...Talking Behind Your Back Just Means That You're Way Ahead Of Them! :)

Friday And Finally Here Comes The Weekend...Not At All Excited And Feeling Extremely Tired.. Lots Of Homework As Usual...Got 作文, 2 Chemistry Worksheets, A Maths Textbook Questions And Also Science Project Which My Group Have Not Touched On... And Will Be Really Busy Tomorrow... Have Basketball Friendly Match In The Morning And Tuition In The Afternoon.. Busy Busy Busy... Tired Tired Tired!

Today Had A Great Time After School Though! ^^ Had Lunch At Pizza Hut With Kelvin, Zhong Heng And Soo Qing! Hahaha Thanks To ZHONG HENG For The Treat!!! :D Woohoo! Had So Much Fun Chatting, Joking And Suan-ing Each Other! Feels So Epic! Haha They're Just The Awesome People To Hangout With!

Now What Am I Really Thinking? My Leg Hurts But I Don't Care... Something Is Telling Me To Stop Running! Stop Jogging! Hey But I Don't Know How To Stop! -.- This Is Really A Big Problem..My Legs Need A Rest! 

This Weekend Is Gonna Suck I Guess...

但偏偏 雨渐渐 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I Don't Want The Rain To Stop..I Want To Get Drench In That Rain Again...

Thursday Already....Always Wonder How Time Can Just Fly So Fast -.- Every Second Is Ticking Away...And Don't Expect It To Come Back... It's Gone FOREVER!

Today Wasn't Really A Good Day...Or I Would Say It Suck, All Because Of The Dumb E Maths Test!!! The Paper Was So Difficult And There Was A Lack Of Time For Most People To Complete The Paper! -.- I Think I Left Almost Half The Questions Blank! -.- I Don't Understand How I Can Just Stare At The Figure For 10mins And Not Even Know How To Even Start Taking The First Step To Solving The Question... So Many Angle Properties, So Confusing And Still Have To Cut Up The Figure? I'm Prepared To Fail Big Time...

And Another Thing That Really Made Me Pissed>>> My Dumb Friends!!! Keep Kajiao Me! Take My Things And Don't Return Them To Me...Even Copying Notes Also Don't Let Me Copy -.- Just To Threaten Me To Play With Them? -.- Sigh. I Don't Know What To Say Because They're Really Childish! :P

Bad Bad Day~ Haha Stay Tune :)


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Why It Feels So Empty Inside, Without You By My Side...

Woohoo!! Yesterday Had A Great Day Out! :))) Love It But Also Hate It Because Time Really Flies...Yesterday Probably Walked More Than 10km? Haha Had An Enjoyable Time Spending Time With The Nature... Visited More Than Six Parks! :)

Today Was Investiture... Was Really Nervous Especially When We Were Facing The Student Population Saying The Pledge..I See So Many People Staring At Me And Laughing Or Mumbling Something -.- Hehe But It's All Over Already! :) Glad It's All Finally Over! :DD Say Goodbye To This Year's Investiture! The Investiture Made Me Missed An ASG Basketball Match! ):

Haha Came Upon This Song!!! Nice Nice! Must Listen! :)
魏晨 Is My Idol! Must Support Him! Haha! ^^

要爱你一辈子 写爱你的故事 

Haha Stay Tune~ ^^ Feel Free To Formspring Me Any Questions! :) THANKS!


Monday, July 4, 2011

Will You Wait, Or Will You Leave? :)

Week 2 Of Term 3..Today Is Youth Day! YOUUTHHHHHHH DAAYYYY!!! :) Hahaha! Must Hype Up Abit! ^^

Will Be Going Out With Friends Later To Somewhere Really Really Nice And Awesome! :D Please Don't Rain!!! ):  Time To Release Some Stress! :))) 

On This Very Windy Day,
I Tried Holding On To Your Hand
But The Rain Kept On
It's Not Easy For Us To Be Loving 
Each Other For Yet Another Day

Just A Short Post! :)


Saturday, July 2, 2011

I Can Wait Patiently For The Rain To Stop, Because I Want To See The Rainbow...

I Can't Emphasize More But Time Really Flies...It's July Already And In Another 14-15 More Weeks Will Be The End-Of-Year Exams And Finally Here Comes Sec 4 And In A Blink Of An Eye, The 'O' Levels Are Over And We're In Junior College Or Polytechnic...

It's Only The First Week Of School And I'm Really Very Tired Each And Everyday... So Many Things Going On Such As The Councillor Investiture And Many Many Test And Not To Mention, CCA's... Really Really Tired...

Thursday Basketball Training Was Really Tough.... Physical Training Made My Muscle Really Stretched To The Limit... All My Muscles Were Aching... But I Think It's Still Okay... Yesterday Still Went Jogging And The Pain Finally Went Off Or Probably Became Numb... I Felt Really Good After Yesterday's Jog! :D But Today Wake Up, The Pain Came Back And Was At Least Twice Of That Before! LOL! 

I Guess I Really Can't Take Care Of Myself... It's Like A Torture Not To Go Jogging For Even A Single Day Because Jogging While Listening To Music Is The Only Way I Can Truly Release My Stress Ever So Effectively :) After Each And Every Jog, I Feel Refreshed! The Stress May Be Suffocating Me But After Every Jog, I Can Breathe Easily! :D 
I Guess I'm Really Different From Others 
Because I Don't Release Stress By Crying!
It Can Be A Good Thing But Also Bad Thing... 
If Running Too Much Without Resting
When I'm Having Muscle Aches, 
It Can Permanently Damage My Muscles...
Possibly Crippling Me... It's That Scary... 
But I Can't Seem To Stop...

Haha Posting Some Random Song! ^^

Haha That's About It For This Post~ If You Got Any Questions, Can Ask Me Through Formspring! :)
