Sunday, July 17, 2011

How I Wish Time Could Stop At That Exact Moment You Walked Past Me...

The Weekends Just Over Like That... Here Comes Week 4... 3 More Weeks To Common Test! Jiayous!

Today Went To Compass With Edmond To Get Someone A Birthday Present! :D Saw *AHHEM* At Compass Basement...But Doubt She Saw Me..Don't Even Think She Recognise Me Lors... She Walked Past Me Than I Realised Is Her...She Was With Her Friends... Din't Manage To Even Say 'Hi' Cause She Just Zoomed Past Me...

Sigh. It Hurts To Know That I Keep Missing Chances Like That...  I Missed One Already And Missed Yet Another One...I Don't Have The Courage To Face It Already.... I'm Breaking Down Very Soon... Feels So Extremely Empty Inside... How To Even Start? I Don't Even Have The Courage To Take The First Step... I Don't Dare To Think About The Future.... Every Second Without You By My Side... You Just Seem To Ignore Me Or Maybe I Think Too Much? It's As Hopeless As It Seems, Is It?

So So Confused... I Fear Telling You How I Feel Because I Rather Not Have You By My Side...Can We Just Be Friends? I Rather Not Know The Answer Than Get Rejected... Feeling So Extremely Lost... Nobody Understands This Kind Of Feeling...

Your Smile Melts My Heart...
Makes My Day...
If You're Smiling At Me...

Sigh. Totally Lost~


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