Saturday, July 30, 2011

When Everything Is Seemingly Gone, Don't Forget That You're Still Alive And Can Still Make A Difference...

Trying My Best To Feign Ignorance. Hoping That Nothing Will Happen. Everything Will Be Over. I Don't Know Anything. I Don't Want To Know. Don't Tell Me. I Can't Hear It With My Earpiece On. I Can't See Your Lips Moving. My Eyes Are Close. My Ears Are Shut. My Heart Is Closed.

Feeling So Tired Especially This Few Days. Yesterday Visited The Gym! Long Time Since I Went There. Had A Great Time Especially On The Treadmill. Haha! My Muscles Are All Aching Over Me And Today Morning Still Got Basketball Training. Tired To The Max And Muscles Getting On Tense Up!

Chemistry Results Are Back. Failed As Expected But I Could Have Passed If I'm Not That Careless, Which Cost Me A Total Of About 8 Marks. Haiz. Disappointed With Myself Being Good For Nothing.

There's Still So Many Homework Yet Done And There're Probably 5 Test Next Week! 2 Maths Test And A Social Study, History And Maybe Geography Testtt! STRESSEDDDDD UPPP! Don't Even Have Time To Rest. Study. Study And Study. Mug. Mug And Mug.

Feel Free To Formspring Me ANYTHING :D ( Don't Have To Be Just Questions! )


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