Thursday, July 7, 2011

I Don't Want The Rain To Stop..I Want To Get Drench In That Rain Again...

Thursday Already....Always Wonder How Time Can Just Fly So Fast -.- Every Second Is Ticking Away...And Don't Expect It To Come Back... It's Gone FOREVER!

Today Wasn't Really A Good Day...Or I Would Say It Suck, All Because Of The Dumb E Maths Test!!! The Paper Was So Difficult And There Was A Lack Of Time For Most People To Complete The Paper! -.- I Think I Left Almost Half The Questions Blank! -.- I Don't Understand How I Can Just Stare At The Figure For 10mins And Not Even Know How To Even Start Taking The First Step To Solving The Question... So Many Angle Properties, So Confusing And Still Have To Cut Up The Figure? I'm Prepared To Fail Big Time...

And Another Thing That Really Made Me Pissed>>> My Dumb Friends!!! Keep Kajiao Me! Take My Things And Don't Return Them To Me...Even Copying Notes Also Don't Let Me Copy -.- Just To Threaten Me To Play With Them? -.- Sigh. I Don't Know What To Say Because They're Really Childish! :P

Bad Bad Day~ Haha Stay Tune :)


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