Friday, July 22, 2011

Why Am I Even Affected By You? Why? What Must I Do...

Yesterday Was A Great Day Out With My Awesome Cousins! :D Had A Great Time Eating And Eating!!! ( What Can You Do Besides Eating In A Buffet? ) Haha My Fail Cousin First Serving Take 4 Plates Filled With Food! End Up Go Take Even More And Can't Finish ^^ Hahaha! Great Manz! Need To Burn Some Fats... Eat Too Much ... Should Go Jogging Today! :)

Anyways Gotten The New Timetable Back...Every Wednesday Late Dismissal At 4.10pm! -.- Woooow Right? Every Other Day Except Friday Dismiss At 2.25pm And Friday Dismiss At 1.25pm! So Long Hours In School...It's Gonna Be Really No-Life.

And I'm So Prepared To Fail Chemistry Test... Careless Of Me To Balance The Equation Wrongly Which Means Every Other Part Of The Question I'll Get It Wronggg!!! Siao Liao... That Question Total Marks Worth 8 And The Test Is Upon 25 Marks! And I Left Some Questions Blank! Oops! Fail Lers.
Chinese 理解问答 Test Teacher Gave Us Only 50mins Instead Of 1 Hour Because He Came In Late! Cause Me Unable To Write Finish Some Of The Questions -.-
English Test Still Okay! Manage To Come Up With Some Interesting Story! :D

And The Weekends Is Here...Week 4 Is Almost Over.. Parents Going Overseas Till Monday! But Than I Really Don't Know What To Do Besides Revise At Home... So No-Life! I Want To Go Out But Than Don't Know Who Should I Get To Go Out With Me! I Want To Return To That Place! Awesome Nice Place! :D But Can't Find The Right Person To Go With Me ): Will Have To Wait For This Person... That Place Is So Beautiful At Night! Can't Seem To Forget ~

Let Time Tell Everything~ 
Hope It Doesn't Take Too Long...


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