Thursday, September 22, 2011

Some Words Don't Have To Be Said Because Obviously The Actions Have Shown Already. Actions Replace Words.

EOY Exams Coming. In A Blink Of An Eye, It'll Be Over, I'm Sure. Now Before It Even Start, Let's Not Think About What's Gonna Happen After The Exams. Shall Start Preparing For My Exams First. Need To Do Really Well. No Regrets. I Really Really Hope That My Hardwork Will Pay Off. I Really Badly Need Good Grades For My EOY Exams. Think I Might Get An IPhone 5 Which Is Coming Out In November. I Shall Just Try My Best And Plus My Phone Contract Ending Soon. (:

Today's Great. Especially Great. My Test Results Make My Day. For Chemistry Test, Did Average, Not Really Well But Got Improvement. 10/15 For That Simple Test I Supposed. What Matters Is I Tried And Improved. But What Really Made My Day Was My Maths Test Results!!! Could Have Gotten Full Marks For My Maths Test!! Arghhh. 37/40. 1 Mark Deducted Because No Units And 2 Marks Lost Because There's An Explanation Question On The Graph And I Got It Wrong. Arghhhhhhh. My Full Marks!!! Actually Also Not Really Very Happy. Expected Results. Many People Did Well Too, Shan't Be Complacent Of My Marks. Doesn't Mean Anything Because It's Really Easy. The Challenge Will Be On The EOY Maths Paper. Haha.



Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Really Don't Understand How I Can Keep Changing, But Still Hate Myself Because I Can't Change The Fact That I'm Still Blur And Always Blur.

Yesterday Studied At Starbucks With My Awesomest Closest Friend Of 7 Years. Studied Till 10 Haha Over A Cup Of White Frappucino Mocha. Love Starbucks Mocha!

Have You Ever Tried? I Keep Asking Myself Over And Over Again. The Answer Is A Partial Yes Or If You Would Say It, Probably A Partial No? I'm So Unsure Of What To Do At Times And Feel Really Lost. How Did It Happen? I Feel As If I'm Born Old Because I Think I Failed So Many Times Trying To Fixed The Main Problem With Me. I Think I Succeed, Partially Maybe?

Still You Might Be Wondering. Now How Did I Lose My Shoe Bag? -.- Where Did I Put It? Was I Carrying It All The Time? I Think I Was But How Come It's Not In My Hand? Took Me Such A Long Time To Realise That I Really Got No Idea Where Is It Cause I Thought I Was Carrying It All Along. Din't Realise. Super Blurrr Or Maybe You Would Say Forgetful. I Must Be Really Old. 15 Years Old. Oh. Soooo Old. Okay. Not That Forgetful Still. I Manage To Trace Back My Steps But Than My Bag Is Missing -.- Sotong Sia. Spend Me More Than 1 Hour Re-tracing And Than Still Missing -.- Must Have Dropped Into Toilet Bowl Ahhh.

After Maths Test Felt Really Great. First Maths Test In My Whole Of Sec 3 That I Managed To Complete And Felt Extremely Confident. Expecting Really Good Results For That Test. But Chemistry Test Spoilt The Mood. Damn. I Saw The First Question And I Was Already Like Staring Into Empty Space With My Mouth Wide Open :O You Could've Imagined That. Freaked Out Totally. Not Really Confidenttt.

But Seriously. I Can't Believing I Did That. Like Seriously. I Was At The Side Gate And A Ball Rolled Into My Direction. I Went To Helped To Pick Than I Tossed It Back At The Girl. Din't Realised I Used Too Much Strength And She Din't Managed To Catch The Ball And Than.... Don't Know What Was I Thinking. Made Me Feel So F***ing Guilty. I Apologised But Like. Lucky The Ball Wasn't Medicine Ball, Or Else The Impact Sure Very Jialat. Stupid Me Sia. I Was Supposed To Helped And End Up Like That. Lucky No One Injured. Still Feel Guilty Though. No Intention.

Don't Know What Was I Thinking...


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Only When You Feel Lost And You've No One To Talk To, You'll Realised The Importance Of Being Independent.

These 2 Days. Made Me Feel Very Happy. I Think I'm Abit Not Like My Usual Self. I Don't Work That Hard But These 2 Days I Worked Exceptionally Hard, Spending More Than 10 Hours On Homework, Study, Revision Etc. Have Been Really Hardworking And Have Accomplished Much. I Feel Crazy Cause This Is Probably The First Time I Ever Love Studying. It Helps Me To Forget About The Current Problem I'm Facing, I Just Concentrate On My Work And Focus. Life Feels Great! No. Life Is Great! Only If My Parents Will Just STFU Because It's Really Very Irritating.

Even So, I Feel So Uncomfortable. Had Fever Yesterday Night And Felt Feverish For The Whole Of Yesterday Since Afternoon. Felt Extremely Tired And Felt Really Uncomfortable Because I Felt So Weak That I Really Feel Like Going For A Jog So Much But I Know My Body CMI. Felt Really Really Bad And Pathetic. Today Morning Was So Much Greater. But Having Headache Throughout The Day Is Really Irritating Especially When I'm Doing Homework And When I Just Thought Of A Solution To The Maths Problem, A Sudden Ache At The Back Of My Head, Made Me Forget What I Was About To Write. Feeling Much Better Now. Anyway Can't Afford To See A Doctor To Get MC. Every Lesson Is Crucial For My EOY Exams Now. Can't Afford To Slack. I Shall Just Drink More Water, Hope Everything Is Okay.

Stay Tunee~!


Saturday, September 17, 2011

One That Laughs Easily, Has Gone Through Much Pain, Hiding It.

Coming To The End Of The Week. Today's Talk Just Shows How Much My School Is Going To Change Because We're Becoming An SAP School. So Many Changes I Can See It Coming.

And I Was Like Thinking, It's All Hopeless. I Think I Know Why No Matter What I Do, I Do Not Have Confidence In Myself. I Look Down On Myself, What I'm Capable Of, Thought It Doesn't Apply To Running Because That's What I Really Feel Very Passionate And Confident About. That's What That Keeps Me Going On Even With The Overwhelming Amount Of Stress.

When My Father Saw My Report Book, He Threw It Onto The Ground And Immediately Ran Me Down. I Can't Be Bothered To Explain. Explaining Seems So Tired. It's A Totally Different Kind Of Feeling Being Run Down By Your Own Biological Father. Oh! Failed 3 Subjects. CA1 Failed 1, SA1 Failed 2, CA2 Failed 3? Isn't There Something Wrong? Din't You Realise That? You Can Simply Compare My Secondary 2 Results And Secondary 3 Results. A Huge 'Improvement', Since You Started Putting Pressure On Me. You're Never Satisfied With My Grades. The More Pressure You Put On Me, The More I Can't Perform And Do Well. I Work Best In A Stress-Free Environment. I Don't Know Why You Can't See That I'm Working Thrice As Hard In Secondary 3 But My Results Show Otherwise. My Job Is To Study And I'm Trying My Best. You Say As If I Like To Fail. You Don't Encourage Me As A Father But Run Me Down.

In Primary School, I Am Always So Confident, Ready To Face Any Challenges Ahead And I'm  Hardworking And Never Fail To Take Initiative Helping People And Also In My Studies. When I'm Confident, Everything Seems Different. How Do You Explain That I Don't Study And Get 242 For My PSLE? I'm So Confident In Myself That I Know I Need Not Study To Get Decent Grades. But Do You See It Now? I Used To Feel So Motivated To Do Well Even Without Studying, But Now, Even With Studying, I Don't Feel A Single Bit Motivated And Confident. Now You See The Difference? The Most Important Thing Now Is To Try And Find My Confidence And Courage Back. I'm Desperately In Need Of It. No One Understands. I Seriously Can't Predict Where My Studies Will End Up. Even My Father Thinks It Hopeless By Saying This: 'Now Fail 3? End Of Year Fail All Is It?' I Wondered If I Will. But I Know It's Impossible. I Am Doing And Really Trying Very Hard To Get My Studies On The Right Track. But You, Just Say Those Words That Makes Me Seem Hopeless. Maybe It's True.

And For Now, I Feel So Troubled And Confused Because I Really Don't Have The Confidence To Face You And Also Your Friends. I Am Really So Sorry. I No Longer Have The Strength And Courage. I Need To Try My Best To Break The Invisible Barrier. I Need To Face It. I Guess It'll Take Some Time. Till Then, I'm So Sorry.

Thought I Won't Be Blogging For A Long Time But I Did. I Need To Let Out My Thoughts, My Feelings, Only Some Of Them, Definitely Not All Or It'll Make Me Seem Pathetic. I Don't Want People To Pity Me, Only Makes Me Feel Weak When I Really Needed To Stay Strong. I Am Independent But Dependent At Times When I Feel Lost. That Leaves Me Vulnerable. But Still, I Am Who I Am, At Least For Now.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Know Nothing. Love Nothing. Expect Nothing. Fake Nothing. Ignore Everything. You Will Achieve Probably The Best Outcome.

Today. Feels So Different. I Really Hope I Can Take It As If Nothing Happened. But It Somehow Seems Impossible. It Feels Really Awkward. That Kind Of Feeling. Yes. I'm Feeling Guilty. For My Actions. I Have Good Intentions But It Din't Turn Out That Way.

The Feeling Is Killing Me. I'm Trying To Act As If Nothing Happened, Smiling And Laughing To Everyone. Nobody Noticed It. It's Totally Opposite On The Inside. It's Tearing Me Apart. I'm Sure My Smile And Laughter Can Fake Everyone But Definitely, Not Myself. I Can Lie To Everyone, But How To Lie To Myself? It's Useless. I Can Only Temporarily Numb My Feelings. It Doesn't Solve The Problem. Without A Secure Answer, I Leave Myself Guessing. And I Think I Needn't Know The Answer. I've Expected It. But An Answer From You Will Be Best. But Still, I Might Not Have Accepted It, At Least For Now. But You Know, Time Is Able To Change Everything. Time Has The Power To Make One Forget. Forgive. Time Can Make One Accept Everything. Time Can Change Everything. I'll Have To Count On Time Then. But Definitely, This Will Be The First And Last Time I'll Ever Do This. I'll Be Really Scared. The Courage It Took Me, I'm Never Going To Find It Back Again. It's Thrown Deep Down Into The Sea, Somewhere Really Deep. You Can't Possibly Find It Back. I'm So Not Going To Love For A Long Long Time. Haha. Till Then, I Shall Just Make More Friends. It's Possibly The Best Outcome. There Isn't A Choice Is There? When You Do Something, You'll Have To Face The Consequences.This Happens In Everything. Everything You Do Has An Outcome. And The Outcome Decides What Happens For Now, But Not Necessarily The Future. What's In The Future, Who Knows? Anything Can Happen. It's An Important Lesson Learnt. What I Really Really Needed. 

Face It. Accept It. Change It. Forget It. This Is Reality.


Don't Think I'll Be Blogging In A Long Time To Come. Restricting Myself From Using The Computer. Need To Prepare For EOY. Hopefully Won't Think So Much. I'm Just A Sucker. I Shall Just Think Myself As A Stupid Idiot Dumb Retard Hopeless Fool. It Is Able To At Least Convince Myself That I'm Inferior. Makes Me Accept Reality. And The Day I Do So, I'll Celebrate. I Believe I Will.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's Always Better To Be Prepared Because You Know, Things Don't Always Turn Out Smoothly.

Ended Yet Another Very Tiring Day At School. Next Week Is Filled With Test And So Is The Following Week. 3 More Weeks To End Of Year. Don't Really Have Much Time Left On Hand To Bring All My Studies Back On Track. I Desperately Need Good Grades This Time To Ensure That I Promote To Sec4 Express Smoothly.

Really Din't Expect Things To Turn Out This Way But I Guess, It's Fated. It's Not About How Much Courage I Put In, Not About How Much Effort I Made, Not About The Cost Of Everything. I Think I Must've Been Mis-understood But No One Is To Be Blame Except For Myself. I Can't Look Into The Future. I Can Only Stand Still And Look At The Present. Yes. It's My Fault. This Will Be The First And Last Time It's Gonna Happen. I Only Wish For You To Have A Enjoyable And Memorable Birthday. It's More Difficult Than It Seems. What Other People Think, I Don't Really Care. I Made Them Mis-Understood And I Won't Bother Explaining. Maybe It's Better That Way. But I'll Definitely Have To Apologise To Everyone For The Surprise And Shock. It's Definitely True That It's Really Hard To Accept Something From An Almost Total Stranger. Wrong Time.Anyway What's Over Is Over. There's No Point In Crying Over Spilled Milk.

Get Up. Face The World. Time To Go For A Jog. Mum Bought Subway. No Appetite But Hopefully Jogging Will Help. Have Not Eaten For The Whole Day.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

When It's Over, Never Expect It To Return Because You Know It's Not Possible.

It's Almost The End Of The School Holidays And A New Term Which Is Also The Final Term Is Approaching. Got To Work Really Hard. Yesterday Had Loads Of Fun At Universal Studios! Hahaha.

Universal Studios Singapore! :D

Oh Yeah! Haha Nice Shirt With The Words: WTF?

This Is The Sci-Fi City. Attractions Include The 
Battlestar Galactica (Both Human And Cylon) As Well 
As The Accelerator.

This Is The Battlestar Galactica At Sci-Fi City. Only Managed To Try
The Human One Which Was Thrilling. I Bet The Cylon
One Must Have Been More Thrilling.

This Is One Of The Restaurants At Ancient Egypt! The
Food Is Suprisingly Expensive!

This Is The Revenge Of The Mummy At Ancient 
Egypt. Haha The Roller Coaster Ride Was
Fun And Thrilling In The Darkness.

Haha. This Is The Jurassic Park. It's Attractions Includes
Dino-Soarin, Canopy Flyer, Amber Rock Climb 
And WaterWorld. Tried On The Dino-Soaring And
Canopy Flyer. Dino-Soaring Was Rather Bored And 
Canopy Flyer Just Gives You A Bird-Eye View Of 
The Place.

This Is The WaterWorks. Awesome Live Action
Presented To You By Singtel.

This Was Taken At The Discovery Food Court. The
Food Was Average But The Price Was 
Extremely Expensive.

This Is Far Far Away. Attraction Includes Shrek 4D
Adventure, Enchanted Airways And Magic Potion Spin
Sadly, I Only Managed To Watch The Shrek 4D Which 
Was Simply Awesome. The Effects Were Great.

This Was Taken At Madagascar On The Party-Go-Round.
LOL! I Was Sneaked! -.- Attraction Includes This And
Madagascar: A Crate Adventure.

Located At Hollywood Is The Monster Rock Attraction.
I Must Say This Is One Of The Best Musicals I've
Seen And Heard Of. The Musical Plays A Series
 Popular Kpop Songs Such As Lucifer And Run Devil Run.
This Is A Must See At USS! (:

And Finally The Fireworks Finale At 9. Sorry Couldn't Upload The Video Taken Because Of Some Errors! ): The Fireworks Was Awesome! ^^

That's All For This Post! Stay Tuneeed~

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's Better To Quietly Miss Someone, Rather Than To Let Them Know And Get No Response.

Yesterday Had SSL From Morning Till Afternoon Than Have Bball Training. LOL! Extremely Tiring. More Tiring Than Normal Schooling Days. Than There's Still That Pile Of Homework Left Un-Touch. Sigh.

Today Was Sort Of Fun. Okay Not Really Fun Lah. Haha But Still Counted As I Guessed. Maths Trail In The Morning At Shenton Way. LOL! The Only Part I Don't Like For The Trail Is Cause It's Really Irritating To Need To Calculate So Many Values. -.- Like So Troublesome And I'm Lazy. Still Have To Key Them Into The IPhone. Troublesome Much? But At Least Still Can Go Mac Buy Lunch! Haha!

I Don't Know Why I Don't Have The Feeling To Do My Homework These Days. Feeling Really Tired And Agitated. I Feel So Miserable With My Parents At Home. It's Like Everything I Do Irritates Them And Everything I Not Do Also Irritates Them. Than It's Like I Should Just Do Nothing And Do Nothing They Will Say I Waste Time Day-Dreaming. It's Like We're On The Same Boat But The Ship Is Really Sinking Gradually Because The Holes Were Multiplying And Even If They Were Fixed, There Is A Scar On It. It's A Weak And Soft Spot And Can Burst Anytime.

And When You're Feeling Down, That's When You Really Need To Listen To Some Songs.

爱 只让我从此不爱
请你 忘记我的爱 爱 爱
爱 只让我重复伤害
求你 阻止我的爱 爱 爱 

That's All For This Post! Stay Tuneee (:


Monday, September 5, 2011

I Really Don't Know If Being Nice Is A Good Thing. I Rather Let People Have Their Way And Give In As Always.

Today Is Yet Another Tiring Day. Morning 3 Hours Of Physics From 8-11pm But Teacher Only Came In At 8.30 Cause Of Traffic Jam! Haha! Manage To Complete Chapter 4! (: Hope We're Still On Time.

After That Had The Korean Exchange Program. LOL! They Were Supposed To Come Today On 5th September At 1.30pm And We Waited Till 3 And There Were Still Not Here. LOL. End Up Is Their Mistake And They Change The Date To Thursday Without Letting Us Know. Wasted Our Time! -.- But Haha. The Buffet Tea Was Ours To Finish! <<<Good Thing At Least. But The Bad Thing Is I Missed Chemistry SSL From 1-2pm. I Think Got Make Up! Bleh.

So I Was Wondering. If I Really Am Too Nice? People Using Phone. Councillors Using Phone. Shan't State Who. My Phone Was Confiscated. I'm Still Nice Enough To Remind Them And Also Tell Some People Who Are Using Phone That Ms Pey Is Around. It's Like Warning To Them Ms Pey Alert So That They Will Not Have The Same Downfall As Me. Okay. I Seriously Can't Change My Character. I Can't Bear To See People's Phone Being Confiscate And It's IPhone 4 Some More. I Can't Imagine How Devastated They Will Feel Without Their IPhone For A Term.

Nice Song :D


That's All For This Post~
