Thursday, September 15, 2011

Know Nothing. Love Nothing. Expect Nothing. Fake Nothing. Ignore Everything. You Will Achieve Probably The Best Outcome.

Today. Feels So Different. I Really Hope I Can Take It As If Nothing Happened. But It Somehow Seems Impossible. It Feels Really Awkward. That Kind Of Feeling. Yes. I'm Feeling Guilty. For My Actions. I Have Good Intentions But It Din't Turn Out That Way.

The Feeling Is Killing Me. I'm Trying To Act As If Nothing Happened, Smiling And Laughing To Everyone. Nobody Noticed It. It's Totally Opposite On The Inside. It's Tearing Me Apart. I'm Sure My Smile And Laughter Can Fake Everyone But Definitely, Not Myself. I Can Lie To Everyone, But How To Lie To Myself? It's Useless. I Can Only Temporarily Numb My Feelings. It Doesn't Solve The Problem. Without A Secure Answer, I Leave Myself Guessing. And I Think I Needn't Know The Answer. I've Expected It. But An Answer From You Will Be Best. But Still, I Might Not Have Accepted It, At Least For Now. But You Know, Time Is Able To Change Everything. Time Has The Power To Make One Forget. Forgive. Time Can Make One Accept Everything. Time Can Change Everything. I'll Have To Count On Time Then. But Definitely, This Will Be The First And Last Time I'll Ever Do This. I'll Be Really Scared. The Courage It Took Me, I'm Never Going To Find It Back Again. It's Thrown Deep Down Into The Sea, Somewhere Really Deep. You Can't Possibly Find It Back. I'm So Not Going To Love For A Long Long Time. Haha. Till Then, I Shall Just Make More Friends. It's Possibly The Best Outcome. There Isn't A Choice Is There? When You Do Something, You'll Have To Face The Consequences.This Happens In Everything. Everything You Do Has An Outcome. And The Outcome Decides What Happens For Now, But Not Necessarily The Future. What's In The Future, Who Knows? Anything Can Happen. It's An Important Lesson Learnt. What I Really Really Needed. 

Face It. Accept It. Change It. Forget It. This Is Reality.


Don't Think I'll Be Blogging In A Long Time To Come. Restricting Myself From Using The Computer. Need To Prepare For EOY. Hopefully Won't Think So Much. I'm Just A Sucker. I Shall Just Think Myself As A Stupid Idiot Dumb Retard Hopeless Fool. It Is Able To At Least Convince Myself That I'm Inferior. Makes Me Accept Reality. And The Day I Do So, I'll Celebrate. I Believe I Will.


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