Sunday, September 18, 2011

Only When You Feel Lost And You've No One To Talk To, You'll Realised The Importance Of Being Independent.

These 2 Days. Made Me Feel Very Happy. I Think I'm Abit Not Like My Usual Self. I Don't Work That Hard But These 2 Days I Worked Exceptionally Hard, Spending More Than 10 Hours On Homework, Study, Revision Etc. Have Been Really Hardworking And Have Accomplished Much. I Feel Crazy Cause This Is Probably The First Time I Ever Love Studying. It Helps Me To Forget About The Current Problem I'm Facing, I Just Concentrate On My Work And Focus. Life Feels Great! No. Life Is Great! Only If My Parents Will Just STFU Because It's Really Very Irritating.

Even So, I Feel So Uncomfortable. Had Fever Yesterday Night And Felt Feverish For The Whole Of Yesterday Since Afternoon. Felt Extremely Tired And Felt Really Uncomfortable Because I Felt So Weak That I Really Feel Like Going For A Jog So Much But I Know My Body CMI. Felt Really Really Bad And Pathetic. Today Morning Was So Much Greater. But Having Headache Throughout The Day Is Really Irritating Especially When I'm Doing Homework And When I Just Thought Of A Solution To The Maths Problem, A Sudden Ache At The Back Of My Head, Made Me Forget What I Was About To Write. Feeling Much Better Now. Anyway Can't Afford To See A Doctor To Get MC. Every Lesson Is Crucial For My EOY Exams Now. Can't Afford To Slack. I Shall Just Drink More Water, Hope Everything Is Okay.

Stay Tunee~!


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