Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Really Don't Understand How I Can Keep Changing, But Still Hate Myself Because I Can't Change The Fact That I'm Still Blur And Always Blur.

Yesterday Studied At Starbucks With My Awesomest Closest Friend Of 7 Years. Studied Till 10 Haha Over A Cup Of White Frappucino Mocha. Love Starbucks Mocha!

Have You Ever Tried? I Keep Asking Myself Over And Over Again. The Answer Is A Partial Yes Or If You Would Say It, Probably A Partial No? I'm So Unsure Of What To Do At Times And Feel Really Lost. How Did It Happen? I Feel As If I'm Born Old Because I Think I Failed So Many Times Trying To Fixed The Main Problem With Me. I Think I Succeed, Partially Maybe?

Still You Might Be Wondering. Now How Did I Lose My Shoe Bag? -.- Where Did I Put It? Was I Carrying It All The Time? I Think I Was But How Come It's Not In My Hand? Took Me Such A Long Time To Realise That I Really Got No Idea Where Is It Cause I Thought I Was Carrying It All Along. Din't Realise. Super Blurrr Or Maybe You Would Say Forgetful. I Must Be Really Old. 15 Years Old. Oh. Soooo Old. Okay. Not That Forgetful Still. I Manage To Trace Back My Steps But Than My Bag Is Missing -.- Sotong Sia. Spend Me More Than 1 Hour Re-tracing And Than Still Missing -.- Must Have Dropped Into Toilet Bowl Ahhh.

After Maths Test Felt Really Great. First Maths Test In My Whole Of Sec 3 That I Managed To Complete And Felt Extremely Confident. Expecting Really Good Results For That Test. But Chemistry Test Spoilt The Mood. Damn. I Saw The First Question And I Was Already Like Staring Into Empty Space With My Mouth Wide Open :O You Could've Imagined That. Freaked Out Totally. Not Really Confidenttt.

But Seriously. I Can't Believing I Did That. Like Seriously. I Was At The Side Gate And A Ball Rolled Into My Direction. I Went To Helped To Pick Than I Tossed It Back At The Girl. Din't Realised I Used Too Much Strength And She Din't Managed To Catch The Ball And Than.... Don't Know What Was I Thinking. Made Me Feel So F***ing Guilty. I Apologised But Like. Lucky The Ball Wasn't Medicine Ball, Or Else The Impact Sure Very Jialat. Stupid Me Sia. I Was Supposed To Helped And End Up Like That. Lucky No One Injured. Still Feel Guilty Though. No Intention.

Don't Know What Was I Thinking...


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