Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's Better To Quietly Miss Someone, Rather Than To Let Them Know And Get No Response.

Yesterday Had SSL From Morning Till Afternoon Than Have Bball Training. LOL! Extremely Tiring. More Tiring Than Normal Schooling Days. Than There's Still That Pile Of Homework Left Un-Touch. Sigh.

Today Was Sort Of Fun. Okay Not Really Fun Lah. Haha But Still Counted As I Guessed. Maths Trail In The Morning At Shenton Way. LOL! The Only Part I Don't Like For The Trail Is Cause It's Really Irritating To Need To Calculate So Many Values. -.- Like So Troublesome And I'm Lazy. Still Have To Key Them Into The IPhone. Troublesome Much? But At Least Still Can Go Mac Buy Lunch! Haha!

I Don't Know Why I Don't Have The Feeling To Do My Homework These Days. Feeling Really Tired And Agitated. I Feel So Miserable With My Parents At Home. It's Like Everything I Do Irritates Them And Everything I Not Do Also Irritates Them. Than It's Like I Should Just Do Nothing And Do Nothing They Will Say I Waste Time Day-Dreaming. It's Like We're On The Same Boat But The Ship Is Really Sinking Gradually Because The Holes Were Multiplying And Even If They Were Fixed, There Is A Scar On It. It's A Weak And Soft Spot And Can Burst Anytime.

And When You're Feeling Down, That's When You Really Need To Listen To Some Songs.

爱 只让我从此不爱
请你 忘记我的爱 爱 爱
爱 只让我重复伤害
求你 阻止我的爱 爱 爱 

That's All For This Post! Stay Tuneee (:


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