Tuesday, March 29, 2011

'Am I Finally Getting Over You?' I Always Ask Myself, Searching For The Answers...

Decided To Blog Because I Felt Bored! :D Shall Blog About Today First...

Today Was Kind Of Boring And Slack...Especially Chinese And English Lessons...Extremely Slack -.- After School Went To Mac @ Compass For Lunch With Jeremy And Fu Yong.. LOL! Had Some Homework Like Maths Past Year Test Paper And Physics Workbook Exercise 15B...

This Few Days And Weeks...It Just Sucks... Especially When My Father Is Threatening To Talk To My Teachers If He Don't Get To See All My Common Test Papers This Week Regardless Of How Well I Did -.- He's Being So Unreasonable Sia.. If He Go And Talk To The Teachers Than I Will Really Have A Tough Time In Class... Haiz Sian..Wonder How Come I Have Such A Father... Life At Home Sucks.. It's Like Being in Jail Or Maybe Even Worst.. I Feel So No Life...

The Only Hope I Have Now Is Running...
I'm Born In This World To Run...
I'll Never Lose Hope In Running... I Have Decided To Take Part In This Friday's Heats Instead Of Going For The Chinese Chess Competition Even Though I Have A Higher Chance Of Winning In The Chinese Chess Competition... I Just Hope My Leg Will Be Alright...
I've A Burning Passion For Running... 
Just So Unlike Studies :( Running/Jogging Will Always Be My Priority :D I Really Hope Friday's Results Won't Disappoint Me...Maybe It Would But I Will Treat It As A Motivation To Do Better .^.
Every Time I Fail, I Will Be Even More Determined To Do Better, Run Faster.. GO FOR IT!

Anyways You People Should Also GO FOR IT! Do What You Enjoy Doing When You're Still Young... Don't Wait Till It's Too Late :D Jiayous! ^.^


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Why? Why? WHY!??

I Don't See My Efforts Being Paid Off! After So Much Of Tough And Hard Training, What Do I Get? Leg Cramps? Really Disappointed With Myself At The Heats Today... I Often Wonder If I'm Really Good At Running And Today I Finally Got The Answer...And It Is : I Suck Totally At Running!!! It's Not About Sec 3 Challenging With Sec 4 Or Sec 5...We Are Of The Same Division... It Isn't Fair But If I'm A Fast Runner I Could Win All Of Them Too...But It Proves That I'm Slow And The Reason Might Be Because I Did Not Warm-Up Enough At The Start And Sprint During The 400m Which Resulted To Tight Muscles And Cramps..But Still I Lost..I Can't Deny The Fact...

I Think I Was A Shadow Of Myself Last Year... I Think I Ran Slower Than Last Year... Although Tuesday Ran 2.4km Might Have An Improved Timing Of 9.26 mins, But It Doesn't Show Anything When It Comes To The Heats...The 800m Has Always Been My Strongest Event..But I Fail To Excel...So DISAPPOINTING! ): I've Always Been Best At 800m Since Primary 4 And I Have Won In Sec 1 And Sec 2...What About Sec 3? Nothing..I Don't Think I'll Win Anything This Year..I Even Got Sports Boy Award Last Year? Who Would Believe That When I Never Win A Single Event This Year.... I Think It's Time I Take A Rest And Think Where Did I Go Wrong In Training Myself...

I Might Need A Coach Although... I Thought Coaching Myself Is The Best Because I Know Myself The Best But It's Not True...I Notice I Can't See My Weaknesses... I've Actually Thought About It Somehow... I Should Take A Rest From My Training After My Cross-Country And NAFA This May And Start Trying Out new And Better Workouts To Increase My Speed And Stamina... 

This Year Might Be A Disappointing Year For Me..I'm Losing Confidence In Myself But I'm Even More Determined To Win Next Year... I Have Not Lose Hope Because I Still Believe Running Is What I'm Really Good At...Just That Today's Performance I Might Be Abit Off Form..Today Is So Not My Day!!!

Trust Me! I'll Be Back Next Year In Top Form For The Heats! I'm Believe My Determination Will Prevail! I Won't Say I'll Get First For All The Events I'll Be Running But I'm Sure Next Year I'll Be Back On The Track At The Fastest Possible Timing...Cya Next Year!

Anyways Tomorrow Is The School Anniversary! I'm So Looking Forward To The Opening Of The ISH ( Indoor Sports Hall ) :D 


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

You Were The Miracle I Was Hoping For...

Where Do I Start? Okay Seriously...Today Was The Day I Felt Most Angry In This Whole Entire Year So Far, Because Of The Unfairness Of Things That Happened...

Talking About Last Sunday First.... Match At Kampong Ubi 5 on 5 Sports Carnival Wasn't Well Played...We Lost Most Of Our Matches... :(
[But There Were Plenty Of Free Drinks ( Such As Milo And Sports Water ) Hahahaha <<< Extra]
Din't Really Enjoy Myself Since I Could Have Done Much Better... :D

Okay Then The Past Few Days...Teacher Talked About Changing Sitting Arrangements...Okay... I Already Knew I Won't Turn Out Well And I Predicted So Freaking Accurately...
Changed And I Sat With A Girl.. Okay I'm Getting Abit Pissed Already Because We Were The Only Odd Want Out... _._ Okay Fine! Sit With Girl Nevermind... But I Want To Change My Sitting Position Because I Wasn't Really Able To Talk To The People Around Me ( Some I'm Not Familiar With, Some Likes To Sleep ) And The Reason For Me Needing To Talk Is Because I Don't Want To Freak Anyone Out, Emoing Throughout The Whole Lesson... I'm Like A Changed Person... Till Here, I Was Not Really Very Angry Yet About The Unfairness Because If A Boy Sits With A Girl, To Make It Fair, The Whole Class Should Be Boy Sit With Girl...If I Was Really Unhappy, I Could Have Freaking Tell The Teacher And Complain That He Was Bias..He Would Have No Choice But To Make Everybody Sit With A Boy And Girl..But No.. I Tell Myself I Can't Do That, I'll Make Everyone Hate Me And I'll Be Very Selfish...I Will Be The One Sacrificing... T_T 
But When You People Wanted To Change Seats Too Because You Don't Like The Person Sitting Beside You, You People Were Making Me Pissed Even More Already...You Were Already More Lucky Than Me, Sitting With The People Of The Same Sex, What's So Unhappy About? O_O Get Along With The People Beside And Around You La...If Not Happy Than Change Seats With Me? FML!!! Haiz...So When The Teacher Thought Of Changing Seats, He Wanted To Change Mine When I Persuaded Him, But End Up He Changed Other People Seats, Those Who Are Not Satisfied With Their Seating ( They Were Already Seating With The People Of The Same Sex ) FUCK! When He Changed Them, I Tell Myself WTF! How Can You Change Others Seat Without Changing Mine? Isn't It Unfair To Me? You Are So Bias... I Was Seating With A Girl...
Ask Yourself If You Are So Freaking Unsatisfied Than How Satisfied Will I Be?
Haiz..I Shall Stop Here..Don't See The Point In Continue Writing..Makes Me More Angry Only..Anyways No One Knows How It Feels Like..This Unfairness...

Shall Stop Here..Don't Intend To Offend Anyone..I'm Sorry..If Only There Was A Punching Bag In Front Of Me...


Friday, March 18, 2011

How I Wish I Was Back In Time...Although You Never Gave Me Happy Memories But Seeing You Was Enough...

This Holidays Are Coming To An End Soon..Time Really Flies! We Have To Spend Our Time Wisely Or They Will Be Wasted... We Have To Be Happy With What We Have And Not Be Unhappy With What We Do Not Have... This Holidays Are Really Bored...I'm Feeling Extremely Lonely..Always By Myself..Haiz

If It Happened, We Should Be Happy That It Happened And Not Cry Because It's Over...Those Nice And Happy Times We Should Keep Them In Our Memories Since We Would Not Able To Go Back Into Those Times....

That's All For Now..Will Be Busy This Few Days...Stay Tune Readers~


Monday, March 14, 2011

I Don't Care What Others Think But To Me, You Are PERFECT!

My Holidays Just Sucks..Lucky Never Got Grounded :D Anyways My Parents Won't Ground Me Cause I'm Too Active...Always Going Out ;D Went To NEX Yesterday :)) Actually Wanted To Visit The Clementi Mall But It Was Too Far And I Left My House Abit Late And Have To Be Back Home For Dinner, So Decided To Visit The NEX Library Instead ^^

This Is How It Looks Like If You Are Wondering :)

Anyways The Top Floor Of Nex Is Completed Just Recently Only So Is The Library...A Really Nice New Collection Of Books There, So I Advise People Who Are Looking For New Books Go To NEX Library!! :D Here's Some Pictures

Kids Playground...

Something Like A Small Garden...

Outside But Still Inside The Mall :)

Okay..That's About It..Stay Tune Readers! :D


Friday, March 11, 2011

End Of The Term! Time Flies...I Wish I Could Stop Time...

Okay...Hmm What Do I Talk About First? Okay...Let's Talk About Sec 3 Life First Okay -.- School Life = No Life Zzz...I Can't Seem To Adapt To The Pace The Teachers Are Teaching At...Especially For Maths And Probably Chemistry...The Teachers Are Going At Such A Fast Teaching Pace Probably Half The Class Did Not Understand Fully What They Were Teaching..A Good Example Was Maths...Like More Than 10 People In Our Class Got F9 For A Maths? Joke? -.- I Shall Not Talk Too Much About What Is Over..My Resolution Is Just To Work Harder And Do Better For Next Term...Anyway For Those Who Didn't Do Well For This Term, It's Just Only CA1, There's Still The More Important Mid-Year And End-Of-Year Exams, So Jiayou Peeps!!! :DD

Anyway, Before I Talk About The Holidays, Here's A Short Conversation With My Mum...
Mum: Next Week Is The Holidays?
Me: Huh? =.="
Mum: Ya..Next Week Is The Holidays! o.O
Me: Nah! Next Week What Holidays? Got Holidays Meh?  -.-
Mum: Go Take A Look At The Calendar La! -.-
Me: Wth! Next Week Holiday Ah? I Thought Normal Schooling Day Leh..Still Got Lessons =.="

Okay...There's Not Only Extra Lessons...More Importantly, There Are Piles Of Homework Waiting To Be Completed -.- Wth...Got Comprehension, Got A Maths Textbook Almost Every Question In Exercise 3.1, Got 2 Maths Journals, Ace-Learning QUIZ, History Got 1SEQ And 2SBQs, Chemistry Photocopier Worksheet, Physics Ten-Year Series, 2剪报 and 1 Chinese 札记 ( Seriously, I Don't Know What To Write About -.- )

Haiz...I Shall Stop Complaining About The Amount Of Homework Cause It Doesn't Help To Complain -.- Anyways My Sore Throat And Cough Is Getting Really Bad..If This Goes On I Need To See A Doctor! :( Anyway, I Wish Everyone A Happy Holidays! :D 


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I Have Been Physically Stronger Compared To Last Year...But I'm In Fact Emotionally Weaker...

Finally Gotten Back All My Overall Results...Never Do Very Well And Actually Quite Disappointed...I Got To Work Much Harder To Compete In This Competitive Society..I Got To Accept The Fact I'm Not As Smart As My Friends And Therefore Have To Spend More Time On My Studies...

Here Are My Remaining Overall Results:
English: 57.3/100
Chinese: 68.8/100
Combined Humanities: 74/100

And Finally The Holiday's Are Coming And I Won't Be Able To Rest Since Monday Till Friday Have To Go School For Extra Lessons As Well As CCA's -.- I Just Hope I Have The Time To Go Out With Friends :D Cross-Country Is Also Postponed -.- 


Monday, March 7, 2011

I Want To Be Able To Do Something For You, But...

Okay...Doomsday Has Come..Finally Gotten Back My Results -.- And They Are Always Not As Expected -.- But Neverminds anyway...I Kind Of Think It Will Come Out Unexpected Already, But I Did Badly For My A & E Maths..Both Got B's And I Was Suppose To Get A's Because Of Those Dumb Careless Mistakes And Not Because I Don't Know How To Solve These Questions = = My Physics Surprisingly Did Badly...Haizz Just Pass! T.T Only Subjects That Made Me Rejoice Was My Combine Humanities And Pure Geography...Haha Both Got A's And Turn Out To Be Unexpected Since I Got B's Most Of The Times :DDD

Here Are The Results For The Common Test Papers:
A Maths: 30/50
E Maths: 36/50
Physics: 27/50
Chemistry: 28/50
English ( Compre Only ): 24/50 ( Overall Unlikely To Fail )
Chinese: 45/70
Pure Geography: 18/25
Elective History: 22/25
Social Studies: 17/25

And Here Are The Overall Results For Some Subjects:
A Maths: 62
E Maths: 69.6 ( I Think The 0.6 Doesn't Make A Difference -.- )
Geography: 77.4
Physics: 52
Chemistry: 60

Seriously, I Think I Never Do Very Well For Most Subjects Especially Physics...I Got To Jiayous Already! :D Readers, If You Never Do Well This Time, You All Must Also Jiayou Okay? xD

That's All People, Stay Tune ^^


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Back From Camp!! Dragonboat!! ;D

Woohoo!! Back From Camp...Am Feeling So Tired EVEN Though I Slept From 4-7 -.- Din't Manage To SLEEP WELL During The Camp Because We Boys Slept On The Hard Wooden Floor Of The Hall And It Was So Uncomfortable... But I Think I Did Have Fun! xD

The Class Cheer/Dance Wasn't That Well During The Ending...But We Still Manage To Pull Through And Went Into The Finals, So We'll Be Dancing On Sports Day.. And I'm Definitely Running At Least The 400m And 800m Events :DD

Dragonboat Was EXTREMELY FUN!!!! Really Enjoyed It :D Thanks To The Instructors...I Really Want To Thank Both The Dragonboat And Camp Instructors Because Without Them, I Wouldn't Have Enjoyed The Camp. THANK YOU!!

Lastly Thanks For All The Support From Some 3B Peeps :D Thank You..Haha..I Will Bomb You All, Who Ask You Bomb Me :P Readers Please Stay Tune :D


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Over For Now...

Yay!! Common Test OVER!!! Finally Can Slack For Some Time...But Not Really Cause Tomorrow Till Saturday Is The Sec 3 Camp -.- Sianzzzzzz Today's Geography Paper Was Quite Easy :D What I Had Remembered Came Out In The Test ^^

Went To NTU For The Research Symposium...Wah All Very Chim Projects..I Don't Understand Most Of Them..No Not..Is All :P LOL! And The NTU Was Really A Extremely Big Place!! Went To Eat The Subway There!!! I Don't Really Love The Bread...But The Cookies Are So Delicious :DDD (Y) (Y) (Y)

Lastly, Haha Take Care Peeps!! xD Will Be Going For A Camp For 3 Days, So Won't Be Around.. Ohya And Those Going For The Camp, Try To Enjoy Yourself Though I Know I Will Not, Since I Am Very Tired And Have Not Packed A Single Thing _._
