Wednesday, March 23, 2011

You Were The Miracle I Was Hoping For...

Where Do I Start? Okay Seriously...Today Was The Day I Felt Most Angry In This Whole Entire Year So Far, Because Of The Unfairness Of Things That Happened...

Talking About Last Sunday First.... Match At Kampong Ubi 5 on 5 Sports Carnival Wasn't Well Played...We Lost Most Of Our Matches... :(
[But There Were Plenty Of Free Drinks ( Such As Milo And Sports Water ) Hahahaha <<< Extra]
Din't Really Enjoy Myself Since I Could Have Done Much Better... :D

Okay Then The Past Few Days...Teacher Talked About Changing Sitting Arrangements...Okay... I Already Knew I Won't Turn Out Well And I Predicted So Freaking Accurately...
Changed And I Sat With A Girl.. Okay I'm Getting Abit Pissed Already Because We Were The Only Odd Want Out... _._ Okay Fine! Sit With Girl Nevermind... But I Want To Change My Sitting Position Because I Wasn't Really Able To Talk To The People Around Me ( Some I'm Not Familiar With, Some Likes To Sleep ) And The Reason For Me Needing To Talk Is Because I Don't Want To Freak Anyone Out, Emoing Throughout The Whole Lesson... I'm Like A Changed Person... Till Here, I Was Not Really Very Angry Yet About The Unfairness Because If A Boy Sits With A Girl, To Make It Fair, The Whole Class Should Be Boy Sit With Girl...If I Was Really Unhappy, I Could Have Freaking Tell The Teacher And Complain That He Was Bias..He Would Have No Choice But To Make Everybody Sit With A Boy And Girl..But No.. I Tell Myself I Can't Do That, I'll Make Everyone Hate Me And I'll Be Very Selfish...I Will Be The One Sacrificing... T_T 
But When You People Wanted To Change Seats Too Because You Don't Like The Person Sitting Beside You, You People Were Making Me Pissed Even More Already...You Were Already More Lucky Than Me, Sitting With The People Of The Same Sex, What's So Unhappy About? O_O Get Along With The People Beside And Around You La...If Not Happy Than Change Seats With Me? FML!!! Haiz...So When The Teacher Thought Of Changing Seats, He Wanted To Change Mine When I Persuaded Him, But End Up He Changed Other People Seats, Those Who Are Not Satisfied With Their Seating ( They Were Already Seating With The People Of The Same Sex ) FUCK! When He Changed Them, I Tell Myself WTF! How Can You Change Others Seat Without Changing Mine? Isn't It Unfair To Me? You Are So Bias... I Was Seating With A Girl...
Ask Yourself If You Are So Freaking Unsatisfied Than How Satisfied Will I Be?
Haiz..I Shall Stop Here..Don't See The Point In Continue Writing..Makes Me More Angry Only..Anyways No One Knows How It Feels Like..This Unfairness...

Shall Stop Here..Don't Intend To Offend Anyone..I'm Sorry..If Only There Was A Punching Bag In Front Of Me...


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