Monday, March 7, 2011

I Want To Be Able To Do Something For You, But...

Okay...Doomsday Has Come..Finally Gotten Back My Results -.- And They Are Always Not As Expected -.- But Neverminds anyway...I Kind Of Think It Will Come Out Unexpected Already, But I Did Badly For My A & E Maths..Both Got B's And I Was Suppose To Get A's Because Of Those Dumb Careless Mistakes And Not Because I Don't Know How To Solve These Questions = = My Physics Surprisingly Did Badly...Haizz Just Pass! T.T Only Subjects That Made Me Rejoice Was My Combine Humanities And Pure Geography...Haha Both Got A's And Turn Out To Be Unexpected Since I Got B's Most Of The Times :DDD

Here Are The Results For The Common Test Papers:
A Maths: 30/50
E Maths: 36/50
Physics: 27/50
Chemistry: 28/50
English ( Compre Only ): 24/50 ( Overall Unlikely To Fail )
Chinese: 45/70
Pure Geography: 18/25
Elective History: 22/25
Social Studies: 17/25

And Here Are The Overall Results For Some Subjects:
A Maths: 62
E Maths: 69.6 ( I Think The 0.6 Doesn't Make A Difference -.- )
Geography: 77.4
Physics: 52
Chemistry: 60

Seriously, I Think I Never Do Very Well For Most Subjects Especially Physics...I Got To Jiayous Already! :D Readers, If You Never Do Well This Time, You All Must Also Jiayou Okay? xD

That's All People, Stay Tune ^^


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