Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Pain And Stress Never Goes Away. We Just Learn How To Cope With It Better.

Great Day! No Lessons Todayyy! Wheee! HAHAA! But I'm Up In The Morning As Usual To Runnnn! That's A Good Sign Because The Last Time I Wasn't Lazy And Ran In The Morning Was About 3 Months Ago. (:

Productive Morning Doing My Online Data Collection. About 20% Doneeee Though I Spent Like 3 Hours Doing It.. Really Too Muchhh! And To Stop Myself From Being Lazy, I Had To Head Out To Do My Tutorials, If Not I Will Succumb To The Temptation To Sleeeeeeeeeep.

Met My Bros For Dinner At Nighttt! Simple Meal, But Meaningful And Funny Conversations We Had. HAHAA!

And All This While. As I Start Piecing Everything Together.


Pure Hardwork, Motivation And Perseverance. And Really. Everything Depends On Oneself. I Don't Have A Coach. I Don't Have A Team. I'm A One Man Show. No One To Cheer Me On, To Motivate Me. No One To Guide Me. It Feels So Lonely. But I Think It Makes Me Stronger, With Each Step I Take. Mind Over Body. Tell Myself I Can Do It, And Sure Enough I Can. 

There's This Story About This Guy Who Won A Marathon The First Time He Was Running. How Did He Do It? Before The Race, He Was Prepared. He Broke Down One Long Race Into Many Short Races By Marking This So Called 'Checkpoints' At Small Intervals. And All He Did Was Sprint To Complete This Short, But Many Races. His Physique Wasn't Extraordinary. His Mind Was.

The Chances Of Me Winning A Marathon Is Zero, And I'm Even Unsure If I Can Complete One Without Walking. I Used To Think Trying Was Enough. But I Realised Finally That Trying Is Nothing. It's Not Something I Should Be Aiming For. How Can I Not Try Right? Trying Is A Must, A Minimum Criteria. 

So How Do I Go Further Than Trying? I Need To Start Setting Goals. I Need To Aim For Something. If I Aim For The Stars, I'll Probably Land On The Moon. I Should Stop Giving Myself Excuses. If My Muscles Are Aching, Then I Got To Train Harder. No Pain, No Gain. Soon, The Pain Will No Longer Matter. And I'll Have A Faster Recovery Rate. It's Time I Stop Giving Myself Excuses. Even The Disabled Have Their Success Stories, What Is My Pain Compared To Theirs...


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Slowly, Surely, Someday, It Won't Matter Anymore. What Does, Will Be There To Stay. What Doesn't They'll Eventually Be Gone.

Great E-Learning Weeeek, Though There's Tons Of Work To Be Done, That Doesn't Mean One Can't Have Fun. I've Done Much And Accomplished Much This Week. 

Was Roped In To Do This Government Statistics Project Related To ECPI (Expatriate Consumer Price Index) And We're Supposed To Collect Data. And There's A Hell Lot Of Data To Collect In My Category! Few Thousand Boxes Of Information To Be Filled In. And I Haven't Even Filled In 50. But There's Much To Learn From I Guess, So I'll Just Try My Best And Hope I Can Gain As Much As Possible.

And Bowling On Friday With Hammy And Sharmmy. And Are You Hungryyyyy? Because I Got A Turkey. For The Forth Time In My Entire Life! HAHAA! And It's The First Time I Got It In The Last Box. What Luck. Should Buy 4D (Just Kidding. I Don't Gamble) And We Also Caught Catching Fire. >Free Coaching On How To Catch Fire Using Bare Hands< HAHA! Anyway It's A Great Movie. But The Ending Makes Me Really Wanna Watch Part 3.

And Of Course The Other Days Were Mostly Used To Mug And Chiong My E-Learning Assignments. Except For Sunday As Well! Guess What!? Conquered 1336 Steps, 73 Stories And 226 Meters. What A Great Day, A Great Feeling To Be At The Top Of Singapore. My First 'Marathon' Accomplished. HAHAA! Here Are Some Really Good Pictures We Took At The Top With Too Much Swag.

 With Filter!

And Afternoon Was Great Time Spent With My Cuzzies At Teo Heng KTV Studio. Woooo I Love Singing. Best Way To Express Your Feelings And Feel Good About It. Considered Quite Cheap If Going In Big Groups Because I Think It's Like $12 Per Hour (Max 10 Pax) For The Room.

And That Kinda Sums Up My Week. Just 2 More Weeks To Common Test. But It's Just 2 Papers And 1 Is Open Book (BStats). Hope I Can Do Well This Time, Because Final Exams Ain't Gonna Be Easy To Scoreee.

And I've Decided More Or Less. 90% I'm Gonna Take Part In 2XU Compression Full Marathon Next Year. My First Official Marathon! Shall Start Training My Stamina And Speed Back These Holidays (Though They're Just 3 Weeks). It's Quite Depressing To See My Stamina Free Falling, But All It Takes To Train Them Back, Is Motivation. I'm Gonna Make It. I Will. Without Walking. 42.195Km. You're The Next On The List! (:


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I Really Can't Seem To Understand. How Everything Could Be So One Sided. Someone Somewhere Is Trying So Hard. But On The Other Side, Someone Just Doesn't Care At All.

Things Are Really Getting Better. At Least I No Longer Get Sleepless Nights. Each Day It Gets Better. (:

But There's Still So Much I Can't Possibly Understand. And Maybe I Won't Ever.

Have You Ever Tried Clapping With One Hand? That's What I Actually Tried To Do In The Past. It's A Super Duper Stupid Thing To Do. And It's Really Tiring. You're Just Making A Fool Of Yourself In The End, When You Try So Hard But Really, Sometimes People Just Can't Be Bothered. It's Literally Giving Yourself A Slap In The Face And Telling Yourself You Did The Wrong Thing. I'm No Longer Gonna Be Such A Fool. Not Worth It At All.

You Told Me So Much About Yourself, Yet You Are Still As Mysterious To Me As Ever. I Don't Even Know Which Words Of Yours I Can Take Seriously. And I Really Can't Fathom At All What You're Thinking. All The Walls So High. Only You Know Yourself. It's Your Choice In The End. After All I Don't Think I'm The One That Will Be Staying. You Choose Who To Stay After All.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

As The Day Goes By, I Thought It Was Getting Better. I Thought It Really Was. But It Feels Like I'm Back To Square One.

Shitty Feeling All Back At Once. I Really Don't Know How I Should Describe It. So Much Anger, So Much Disappointment, So Much Fear, So Much Stress, So Much Of Everything Mixed Together. And You Get Shit. Like Really. I Can't Find A Better Word To Describe It. The Words In The Dictionary Suddenly Feels So Limited. 

Insomnia. Takes Me Hours To Fall Asleep For The Past Weeks. Before I Fall Asleep I Can't Stop Thinking. My Mind Never Sleeps. Feels Like It Doesn't Need A Rest At All. Maybe I'm A Robot, Not A Human.

Playing Songs And Songs Over Again. And Even These Songs Are Becoming More And More Foreign To Me. The Lyrics That Once Used To Make Sense No Longer Does. I'm Changing. Very Fast. But I Really Don't Know The Outcome. I Just Hope I Change Into Someone Better.

It's All Getting Worst. And I Can't Even Explain It. It Feel So Much Better But All Of A Sudden.. I Find Myself Plunging Into The Deepest Depths. I Guess Everything Was Just An Illusion.

I Keep Hoping Things Will Change. But I Will No Longer Expect. Maybe I'm The One That Should Change. I Really Am.


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Maybe What I Thought You Were, Was Just An Illusion. Maybe I Couldn't See It Any Clearer.



I Think Eating Seems To Be The Only Logical Thing I Am Doing Right Now. And Maybe Running. Nothing Makes Sense Anymore. They No Longer Will.


Sunday, November 3, 2013

They Always Say ' Don't Let Others Affect You'. And I Always Fail To Do So.

Found Back My Purpose In Life. Running. Whether It's Running On Ground Or Running Up Steps. I Need Running More Than I Think I Do. Running Feels Like Crying To Me. It's Like A Replacement. It Let's All My Emotions Out. And It Is Also What Makes Me Strong. Because With Running, I've Achieved Alot That I'm Really Proud Off. It's My Strength, And My Weakness At The Same Time.

And So I've Decided. To Keep My Mind Busy. To Make Myself Feel Better Without You. I SHOULD Sign Up For Next Year's 2XU Compression Full Marathon! 42.195 Km. Might Sound Really Difficult For Me Since The Longest I've Covered Is Half That Only, But I Think I Have All The Motivation I Need. Motivation Makes Success Really Alot Easier Than One Actually Thinks.

But Motivation Somehow Feels Like My Psychological Self Is Waging A War On My Physical Self. My Mind Keeps Asking Me To Push On, And My Physical Body Is Really Pushed To It's Limits. So No Matter Who Wins, I Feel Kinda Damaged Both Internally And Externally.. HAHAHAA!
