Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Pain And Stress Never Goes Away. We Just Learn How To Cope With It Better.

Great Day! No Lessons Todayyy! Wheee! HAHAA! But I'm Up In The Morning As Usual To Runnnn! That's A Good Sign Because The Last Time I Wasn't Lazy And Ran In The Morning Was About 3 Months Ago. (:

Productive Morning Doing My Online Data Collection. About 20% Doneeee Though I Spent Like 3 Hours Doing It.. Really Too Muchhh! And To Stop Myself From Being Lazy, I Had To Head Out To Do My Tutorials, If Not I Will Succumb To The Temptation To Sleeeeeeeeeep.

Met My Bros For Dinner At Nighttt! Simple Meal, But Meaningful And Funny Conversations We Had. HAHAA!

And All This While. As I Start Piecing Everything Together.


Pure Hardwork, Motivation And Perseverance. And Really. Everything Depends On Oneself. I Don't Have A Coach. I Don't Have A Team. I'm A One Man Show. No One To Cheer Me On, To Motivate Me. No One To Guide Me. It Feels So Lonely. But I Think It Makes Me Stronger, With Each Step I Take. Mind Over Body. Tell Myself I Can Do It, And Sure Enough I Can. 

There's This Story About This Guy Who Won A Marathon The First Time He Was Running. How Did He Do It? Before The Race, He Was Prepared. He Broke Down One Long Race Into Many Short Races By Marking This So Called 'Checkpoints' At Small Intervals. And All He Did Was Sprint To Complete This Short, But Many Races. His Physique Wasn't Extraordinary. His Mind Was.

The Chances Of Me Winning A Marathon Is Zero, And I'm Even Unsure If I Can Complete One Without Walking. I Used To Think Trying Was Enough. But I Realised Finally That Trying Is Nothing. It's Not Something I Should Be Aiming For. How Can I Not Try Right? Trying Is A Must, A Minimum Criteria. 

So How Do I Go Further Than Trying? I Need To Start Setting Goals. I Need To Aim For Something. If I Aim For The Stars, I'll Probably Land On The Moon. I Should Stop Giving Myself Excuses. If My Muscles Are Aching, Then I Got To Train Harder. No Pain, No Gain. Soon, The Pain Will No Longer Matter. And I'll Have A Faster Recovery Rate. It's Time I Stop Giving Myself Excuses. Even The Disabled Have Their Success Stories, What Is My Pain Compared To Theirs...


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