Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I Really Can't Seem To Understand. How Everything Could Be So One Sided. Someone Somewhere Is Trying So Hard. But On The Other Side, Someone Just Doesn't Care At All.

Things Are Really Getting Better. At Least I No Longer Get Sleepless Nights. Each Day It Gets Better. (:

But There's Still So Much I Can't Possibly Understand. And Maybe I Won't Ever.

Have You Ever Tried Clapping With One Hand? That's What I Actually Tried To Do In The Past. It's A Super Duper Stupid Thing To Do. And It's Really Tiring. You're Just Making A Fool Of Yourself In The End, When You Try So Hard But Really, Sometimes People Just Can't Be Bothered. It's Literally Giving Yourself A Slap In The Face And Telling Yourself You Did The Wrong Thing. I'm No Longer Gonna Be Such A Fool. Not Worth It At All.

You Told Me So Much About Yourself, Yet You Are Still As Mysterious To Me As Ever. I Don't Even Know Which Words Of Yours I Can Take Seriously. And I Really Can't Fathom At All What You're Thinking. All The Walls So High. Only You Know Yourself. It's Your Choice In The End. After All I Don't Think I'm The One That Will Be Staying. You Choose Who To Stay After All.


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