Thursday, April 26, 2012

Maybe Everything Was Just A Dream.. Nothing Was Real.. It's A Nightmare..

Went To See The Physician 2 Days Ago And Both Foot Got Bandaged, Looooooooooooook Really Stupid! And Today My Feet Feels So Much Better! (: Though My Right Foot Still Hurts While I Walk, But My Left Is Okay Already. Not Fully Recovered But Definitely There's Improvement! Pleaseeeee Recover Faster My Dear Feeeet! :D

HAHAAA! Finally Received 
My Certificate! (:

Certificate Of 
Service For Being A Councillor! (:

Done Serving The Council.. Time Really Fliesss!~ It's Beeen 4 Years. Had Learn Lots During My Service As A Councillor. Really Got To Thank The Teachers And All My Fellow Friends In Council! (: Words Really Can't Express How I Feel..

As For Today's Chinese Prelim.. Paper 1 Was Okayyy.. Paper 2's Second Comprehension Passage Was Really Difficult. I Saw The Last Question And I Stare At It Blankly, And Was Like '!Q@#%*!^)%' Not Knowing What To Write, But In The End Still Did Write Some Rubbish. Paper 3 Was Really Trickyyy! All The Answers Like So Closeee! ):


Monday, April 23, 2012

When You Feel Helpless, Come And Look Me Up. My Shoulders Are Reserved For You. When You Feel Lonely, Call Me Maybe? I'll Be There.. Just For You.

Feet Not Feeling Any Better. Going To Seeee TCM Tomorrow. This Feeling Sucksssssss. My Father Keep Influencing Me To Think Negatively, Keep Telling Me That My Feet Might Take 1 Month To Recover. I Realise I Don't Have Time, Not A Single Bit..

Cross-Country Is Coming, And It's Right After Prelims. Have Not Been Running My Usual Jogging Distances Since 1 Month Ago. My Form Must've Dropped Quite Alot. And I Don't Know When My Feet Will Recover And When Is The Next Time I Will Be Able To Runnnnnnnnnnnn! ARGHHHH. SCREW IT Seriously! Injury-Hit At The Wrong Timeeee!

Good Thing Is.. Since I Will Not Be Able To Run, I've Found Another Way To Release Stressss! Training With Dum Bells! Can't Train My Leg Muscles But Can Definitely Train My Arms Which Will Also Help In My Running, Though Not As Muchhh, But Still Better Than Nothing. (:

And Prelims 2 Is Just Days Away. Good Luck Everybodyyyy! JYJY! Count Down To 'O' Level MT Exams Too, Which Is About A Month Away Onlyyy. (:


Friday, April 20, 2012

The Pair Of Legs I'm Given, They're For Running.. They're My Life.. I Need Them More Then Anything Else..

Hmm. Recent E Maths Test Has Shown Great Improvement Yeaaaaa! From 23/50 For The First E Maths Test To 28/35 For The 2nd Test And 30/35 For The 3rd Test! Niceeee Lahhhh! But Have Beeen Screwing Up The Recent Geography Tests.

But My Legs. Everything Went Totally Wrong After Sports Day. It's Worst Nowww After Running 2.4km.. Today's 2.4km At SKRP Like Lesser Then That Siaaaaa. I Don't Know How I Ran 8.53mins, With My Legs In Such Bad Condition.. There's Only 2 Reasons..

1) I've Really Improved Alot And I Needn't Be On Top Form To Run Under 9mins.
2) It's Really Not 2.4km. Slightly Lesser, About 100-200m?

If It Don't Get Any Better Within The Next Few Days, I Think It's Better To Go For A Check-up. If Permanent Injury Really Can Go Bangz Wall~ Running. What I Believe In And Always Haveee.


Friday, April 13, 2012

Leave It To Fate. It'll Guide The Direction I'm Supposed To Be Heading..

Today Was Sports Day. Oh Yeaaaaaa! Friday The 13th! So Many Casualties.. And I'm One Of Them.. Sprain My Thighs Till Very Jialat And My Foot Pain Because I Sprint With My Toes.. Cannot Walk Properly And It Feeels Damn Weird. I Feeel Like Handicap Siaaaa. Next Weeek Still Got 2.4km And Napfa!

Toook Part In 5 Events For The Last Sports Day I'll Be Taking Part In.

Badminton : 1st
Novelty Race : 1st
4 x 100m : 2nd
Medley : 2nd
Inter-CCA 4 x 100m : 3rd

Results Really Bad. Tried My Best But Din't Managed To Help Me Team Get First For Medley. I Feeel Like A Burden. And After This Run, It Affected My 4 x 100m Race.. Din't Run My Best Because My Legs Weren't Able To Bend Much Due To The Sprain. Damnnnnnnnnn! Why I So Burden!!! ): Haiz~ Nothing I Say Can Change The Results Now.. It's Over.

It Feeels Great. You're No Longer My Motivation To Run Faster~ (: You're Not Gonna Affect Me Anymoreeeeee! Yayyyyyyy! ^^


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

So Many Decisions To Make, So Many Routes To Take. Why Can't Life Be Simple? Why Must We Make Decisions?

This Is Bad. I Always Got So Many Stuffs In My Mind And When I'm Just About To Start Ranting Hereee, They Somehow Disappear..

Hmm. So Where Should I Start? Okayyy~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ It's Down To The Last 8 Weeks Before O Levels MT Exams! Time Really Flies~ Got To Work Really Hard. I Want To Get A1 And Drop Chinese So That I'll Be Left With 7 Exams To Take AT The End Of The Year!!

This Weeek Really Stresss Ahhh. 7 Test A Weeek, Cooool Or What? Yesterday Had SS And Geography Test, Today Had Situational Writing And History Test, Tomorrow Have Yet Another SS Test And Thurs Have E Maths And Physics Test. Awesomeeeeeeee~

Haiz. Really Hate Myself For Not Being Able To Do Anything To Improve On My Recent Poor And Inconsistent Running Forms. Ran Quite Well On Saturday And Must've Pushed Too Hard. Yesterday's Heats Screw Up Totally And Today My Legs Feels Like Jelly. All I Can Do Is To Hope That My Leg Recovers ASAP. I'm Running Out Of Time. Nevertheless, I'll Try My Best. I Don't Want To End Up Being A Burden. 

All I Have To Do Is Just Out Run My Usual Self.
