Thursday, April 26, 2012

Maybe Everything Was Just A Dream.. Nothing Was Real.. It's A Nightmare..

Went To See The Physician 2 Days Ago And Both Foot Got Bandaged, Looooooooooooook Really Stupid! And Today My Feet Feels So Much Better! (: Though My Right Foot Still Hurts While I Walk, But My Left Is Okay Already. Not Fully Recovered But Definitely There's Improvement! Pleaseeeee Recover Faster My Dear Feeeet! :D

HAHAAA! Finally Received 
My Certificate! (:

Certificate Of 
Service For Being A Councillor! (:

Done Serving The Council.. Time Really Fliesss!~ It's Beeen 4 Years. Had Learn Lots During My Service As A Councillor. Really Got To Thank The Teachers And All My Fellow Friends In Council! (: Words Really Can't Express How I Feel..

As For Today's Chinese Prelim.. Paper 1 Was Okayyy.. Paper 2's Second Comprehension Passage Was Really Difficult. I Saw The Last Question And I Stare At It Blankly, And Was Like '!Q@#%*!^)%' Not Knowing What To Write, But In The End Still Did Write Some Rubbish. Paper 3 Was Really Trickyyy! All The Answers Like So Closeee! ):


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