Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sometimes, All It Takes Is Just Some Initiative. But One Ought To Know, Your Initiative Isn't Always Appreciated.

Long Time Since I Last Blogged! Prelim 2 Is Almost Over! Left Last 2 Papers, Both Paper 1 Of Physics And Chemistry! HAHAA~ I Slacked Throughout The Whole Of My Weekends And This Is Really Bad! Might Just Screw Up My MCQ's. ): Why Time Past So Fast Oneeee!? ~

Don't Think I'm Gonna Do Very Well For This Prelim.. Haiz. Some Papers Are Really That Difficult Compared To Prelim 1! And Now I'll Just Have To Wait For The Results To Come Out.. Anyway It Shouldn't Affect Me That Much Because I Tried Really Hard And Most Probably Couldn't Have Avoided Such Results..

The Only Time I Studied For The Weekends Was This Afternoon! Went To Greenwich Coffee Bean With WM.. We Started Studying But Ended Up Chatting And Talking About Lots Of Random Stuff As Well As The Path We're Gonna Take After 'O' Levels! HAH! (:

Long Time Since I Went To Coffee Bean Or Starbucks!
Ordered Double Chocolate, Coffee-Based!

'O' Level Chinese Is Just 15 Days Away! Huat Ahhhhhhhh!~


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