Saturday, March 31, 2012

It's The Mindset, It's The Perseverance, It's The Determination. If You Want Something As Badly As I Did, You Would've Performed Much Better Then Expected.

Today Was Awesomeeeeeee! Though It Rained Like From 2am To About 10am, Our Spirits Were Not Dampened. Everyone Was till Hyped Out For The Raceeeee Though The Flooor Was Filled With Huge Puddles Of Water~

Run & Raisin' 10km Competitive At East Coast Park! Timing : 36.56mins! Honestly, I Feeel That The Distance Is Not 10km. Probably 9km Or Even Lesser!! But Nevertheless, I Completed The Race And If I Din't Estimate Wrongly, At Least Came In Top 15, Though I'm Far Behind The First With A Timing Of 31.04mins! Pressed On Throughout The Race Though It's Raining! It Was Really A Fun And Enjoyable Experience To Run In The Rain! (:

In Between The Race, Only Some Volunteers Cheered Us On. HAHAA! Got One Guy Damn Coool Siaaaa! I Running Back Already After Reaching The End Of The First Half Of The Race Then This Guy Showed Me A (Y) And Smiled At Me And Ask Me To Press On! Then I Smiled Back At Him! (: I Still Remembered Towards The Ending Got An Angmor Overtook Me But I Sprint To The Finish And Win Him! WAHAHAA! xD Much Faster Then Many JC Students. Achievement Unlocked! ^.^

There Were Lots Of Activities At The Carnival, But Din't Really Have The Time To Stay And Haveee Fun, Cause Got To Rush Home For Lunch Before Go Bai Bai. But Manage To Catch The TKSS Danceeee! Omg All The Girls Damn Chioooo. LOL~ HEHE!

Trying So Hard To Forget, To Act As If Nothing Happened. Love Is An Illusion.


Saturday, March 24, 2012

If I Am Given A Chance To Help Others Less Fortunate Then Me, I Will Do My Best.

Tiring Day, Nevertheless, It Was Fruitful And Had A Fun Timeee. Great Experience Tooo! FLAG DAY Was Simply Awesomeeeee! Thought And Expected Most Of Us Singaporeans To Be Selfish But I Was Wrong!

Most Young Peopleee Especially Teenagers Were Selfish, But Old People Were Rather Generous! Swept The Whole Of Ang Mo Kio And Managed To Clear Up 7 Pages Of Stickers. Could've Cleared Everything But Most People Din't Take Thoseee Stickers. Manage To Fill Up The Tin To 3/4 Full! Achievement Unlock! HEHE! (:

Young People, Only A Handful Donated, And Those That Did, I Believe They've Done Flag Day Before And Knowww How Difficult It Is To Stand Under The Hot Sun To Collect Donations! The Rest, Bo Chuppp! HAHAA! Expected. However, Old People Weree Rather Generous!

There Was This Old Lady, Who Was Hunched Back And When I Approached Her Politely And Told Her It Was For The Children's Home, She Donated $2. (: And I Expect She Earns Her Living By Collecting Newspapers For Recycling, From The Cart She Is Pushing Which Is Filled With A Small Stack Of Newspapers. I Mean Honestly, How Much Can She Earn In A Day? Throughout The Full 4 Hours, Less Than 20 People Donated $2 Or More Over Around 400+ People Who Donated. Yes. She Is GENEROUS.

And It Wasn't Only Her, Cause Probably 80% Of The People Who Donated Were Old Folks. Another 15% Were Middle-Age People Withh Kids, Wanting To Help Out And At The Same Time, Let Their Children Collect A Sticker. The 5% Were Young People.

There Was This Young Malay Girl Who Also Donated Generously When I Told Her It Was For Pertapis Children Home. She Inserted A $10 Note Into The Tin And Rushed Off. Totally Unexpected, Because That Was The Only $10 Note I Had Collected For The Day.

There Was This Old Danish Couple Whom Also Talk To Me About Pertapis Children's Home. Very Friendly. Told Me It Was Tough And Then Plop $4 Into The Tin And Told Me Have A Nice Day Then Walk Away! Niceee Peopleeeee! (:

There Were Alsooo A Few Old People Who Rode Bicycles, Stop Just To Take Out A Few Coins To Put Into The Tin, Unlike Most Of The People, Who Said They Either Din't Have Change Or Just Say No. There Was Also This Middle-Age Guy, Who Donated And When I Offered Him A Sticker, He Showed Me The One He Already Has. HAHAA! Must've Donated Already. Generous!

Lots Of Lesson Learnt. 
Shoulders Aching From Carrying The Tin For 4 Straight Hours. 
Tired From Standing Under The Hot Sun. 
This Are Nothing Compared To The Valuable Lessons I've Gained.

To All Those People Who Are Generous, Continue To Stay Generous. God Bless You! (:


Thursday, March 22, 2012

I Don't Regret Meeting You But I Regret That I Can't Be With You. But Everything Will Just Zoom Past. I Know I'll Be Able To Forget.

National Cross Country Yesterday! The Ran Turned Out Below My Expectations, Though I Did My Best. First Time Taking Part And Expected Top 50! But Turned Out I Got 84/368 Position And A Timing Of 16:16 For The 4.3km Run At Bedok Reservoir. Nevertheless, It Was A Great Effort And Gooood Experienceee, Considering That I'm Not Even From Track & Field And Don't Even Have A Coach. I Just Go For Regular Jogs, That's All. (:

Next Up Will Be Run & Raisin' At East Coast Park! WAHAHAAA! 10km Run! Not Running For Position And Instead, Timing. Target Timing : 42mins! Always Give Myself Crazy Timings But I Will Be Gunning For That Timing. Not Easy, But I Know I'll Make It. (: After Which Comes Sports Day. Will Be Running In The 4x100m And Medley. And Then Finally 2.4km Run And Napfa.

No Doubt. More Than Half The Time, 
I Run Just To Get Things Off My Mind And It'll Work Miraculously. 
I'll Be In My Own World.

Today's E Maths Test Was Crazy. I Should Be Able To Pass, But I'm Expecting A Good Result. These Few Days Wereee Reallyyy So Busyyyy That I Din't Really Have The Time To Do Revision Practices For The Topics Tested.

Always Giving Myself Excuses.

Busy Schedule Ahead! Expecting And Upsize Next Month And A Double Upsize In May. I'll Be So Bloated By Then. HAHAA!


Thursday, March 15, 2012

It's Only Going To Be You And No One Else...

The Fun Holidays Is Coming To An End Soooon.. Okay I'm Exaggerating :P First. I Wouldn't Even Call It A Holiday, Because Monday To Friday Have To Attend Schoooooool And Today There's A Resilience Workshop. Okay. Not To Forget The Homework. Like So Little Onlyyyyyy. 3 Sets Of Comprehension, 2 Sets Of Physics Prelim Practice Paper, 1 Set Of E Maths Paper As Well As Chemistry Worksheet. All This Toook Me Less Than 6 Hours To Complete, While I'm Asleep In My Dreams (: 

Today's Resilience Workshop, I Wouldn't Call It Resilience. More Like Motivation Workshop. All The Videos Are Like Life Stories Of Peopleeee Who Are Unfortunate But Still Can Live Their Live Fruitfully. True Enoughhh, I'm Very Fortunate Already. The Only Thing I'm Facing Now Is Stresssssss. And Everyone Faces That. So It's Normal. Anyway, Everything One Do Depend On One Thing, Known As The Mind. If Your Mind Tells You That You Can Do It, Then You Definitely Can. HAHAAA! (;

Anyway Today Ran Well. HAHAA! New Record Again! 5km In 19.58mins. MIND OVER BODY! YAYYYY! :D Last Fastest Time Was 20.45mins. Good Timing. Next Wednesday Running For National X-Country! 4 Years Since I Last Ran In Nationals! (: I Need The Feeeeeel. The Feeel Of Winning! 我来咯!加油加油!:D :D :D What I Believe In : Just Do My Best! (: The Winning Motivation Actually Also Comes From You. I Want To Win It For You~


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I Can't Read The Future, But I Can Try Writing Them.

All My Results Are Out. And They're Finalised. Did Rather Well This Time, Considering The Time I Put Into Revising The Things I've Learnt For The Past Year And For The First Term Of This Year. I Did Not Start My Revision Till Mid And Late February Because I'm Busy Preparing For '... ...'. So Considering All This Factors, My Results Were Rather Unexpected. Nevertheless, Nothing To Be Proud Of. In The End, It's The Results On The 'O' Level Certificate That Matters.

Results For Prelim 1:

English      : 56% (C5)
Chinese     : 70% (A2)
E Maths    : 82% (A1)
A Maths    : 66% (B3)
Chemistry  : 25% (F9)
Physics      : 71% (A2)
CHHS        : 72% (A2)
Geography : 52% (C6)

L1R4 : 12
L1R5 : 15

To Summarise, There Was A Drop In My Chemistry ( Screw Up Totally ), English And Geography Grades And My Combine Humanities Remains The Same. There Was An Increase In My A Maths, E Maths, Chinese And Physics Grades. Overall >>> Improved!!! (: Yayyyyyyy! I Should Be Really Happy And Satisfied With My Results This Time, Especially When Most People Din't Manage To Do Well And I Know I Din't Do My Best Because Obviously I Start My Revision Rather Last Minute.

Nevertheless, I Should Remember Not To Be Complacent. Shall Enjoy Being Happy This Few Days, After Which I Will Put My Results Aside And Work Harder For Prelim 2! For Those Who Din't Do Too Well, Jiayou. Get Over The Results. There's Still Timeeeeee! Huat Ah!


Monday, March 5, 2012

Every Move I Make, I Feel Insecure, I Feel Lost. I Often Find Myself Asking The Same Old Question : 'So What's The Next Step?'

Great. I've Come This Far And I'm Still Alive, Though I'm Really Suffocating Under The Pile Of Stresssss! Nevertheless, I'll Get Used To It In No Timeeeee. 'O' Levels Just A 'Long' 7 Months Away. Still Got Timeee. (:

For The Month Of March And April, Will Be An Extremeeeeeely Busy! First There's The 2.4km Run At SKRP After The March Holidays, Then Followed By National X-Country, Then Run & Raisin' 10km On 31 March, Then Will Be Our School's X-Country. (Not Sure If This Year Will Have Sports Day, But If Have, Sure Damnnnnnn Busyyy Preparing For All These Run) And Not To Forget, My Mum's Birthday On 20 March And Bro's Birthday On 2 April. Busy Schedule Ahead. There's Also Physics SPA On The 13 March!

Prelim 1 Just Ended Less Than A Weeek Ago. Got Back Most Of My Results Already. Did Badly For 1 Subject. Can Say I Totally Screw Up For This Subject. Sighhh. It's Not Like I Din't Study Or Practice. Unexpected. The Rest Was Okay. Shall Post All My Prelim 1 Results In The Next Post.

Sooooo.... Stay Tuneee~ (:
