Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I Can't Read The Future, But I Can Try Writing Them.

All My Results Are Out. And They're Finalised. Did Rather Well This Time, Considering The Time I Put Into Revising The Things I've Learnt For The Past Year And For The First Term Of This Year. I Did Not Start My Revision Till Mid And Late February Because I'm Busy Preparing For '... ...'. So Considering All This Factors, My Results Were Rather Unexpected. Nevertheless, Nothing To Be Proud Of. In The End, It's The Results On The 'O' Level Certificate That Matters.

Results For Prelim 1:

English      : 56% (C5)
Chinese     : 70% (A2)
E Maths    : 82% (A1)
A Maths    : 66% (B3)
Chemistry  : 25% (F9)
Physics      : 71% (A2)
CHHS        : 72% (A2)
Geography : 52% (C6)

L1R4 : 12
L1R5 : 15

To Summarise, There Was A Drop In My Chemistry ( Screw Up Totally ), English And Geography Grades And My Combine Humanities Remains The Same. There Was An Increase In My A Maths, E Maths, Chinese And Physics Grades. Overall >>> Improved!!! (: Yayyyyyyy! I Should Be Really Happy And Satisfied With My Results This Time, Especially When Most People Din't Manage To Do Well And I Know I Din't Do My Best Because Obviously I Start My Revision Rather Last Minute.

Nevertheless, I Should Remember Not To Be Complacent. Shall Enjoy Being Happy This Few Days, After Which I Will Put My Results Aside And Work Harder For Prelim 2! For Those Who Din't Do Too Well, Jiayou. Get Over The Results. There's Still Timeeeeee! Huat Ah!


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