Monday, March 5, 2012

Every Move I Make, I Feel Insecure, I Feel Lost. I Often Find Myself Asking The Same Old Question : 'So What's The Next Step?'

Great. I've Come This Far And I'm Still Alive, Though I'm Really Suffocating Under The Pile Of Stresssss! Nevertheless, I'll Get Used To It In No Timeeeee. 'O' Levels Just A 'Long' 7 Months Away. Still Got Timeee. (:

For The Month Of March And April, Will Be An Extremeeeeeely Busy! First There's The 2.4km Run At SKRP After The March Holidays, Then Followed By National X-Country, Then Run & Raisin' 10km On 31 March, Then Will Be Our School's X-Country. (Not Sure If This Year Will Have Sports Day, But If Have, Sure Damnnnnnn Busyyy Preparing For All These Run) And Not To Forget, My Mum's Birthday On 20 March And Bro's Birthday On 2 April. Busy Schedule Ahead. There's Also Physics SPA On The 13 March!

Prelim 1 Just Ended Less Than A Weeek Ago. Got Back Most Of My Results Already. Did Badly For 1 Subject. Can Say I Totally Screw Up For This Subject. Sighhh. It's Not Like I Din't Study Or Practice. Unexpected. The Rest Was Okay. Shall Post All My Prelim 1 Results In The Next Post.

Sooooo.... Stay Tuneee~ (:


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