Thursday, March 15, 2012

It's Only Going To Be You And No One Else...

The Fun Holidays Is Coming To An End Soooon.. Okay I'm Exaggerating :P First. I Wouldn't Even Call It A Holiday, Because Monday To Friday Have To Attend Schoooooool And Today There's A Resilience Workshop. Okay. Not To Forget The Homework. Like So Little Onlyyyyyy. 3 Sets Of Comprehension, 2 Sets Of Physics Prelim Practice Paper, 1 Set Of E Maths Paper As Well As Chemistry Worksheet. All This Toook Me Less Than 6 Hours To Complete, While I'm Asleep In My Dreams (: 

Today's Resilience Workshop, I Wouldn't Call It Resilience. More Like Motivation Workshop. All The Videos Are Like Life Stories Of Peopleeee Who Are Unfortunate But Still Can Live Their Live Fruitfully. True Enoughhh, I'm Very Fortunate Already. The Only Thing I'm Facing Now Is Stresssssss. And Everyone Faces That. So It's Normal. Anyway, Everything One Do Depend On One Thing, Known As The Mind. If Your Mind Tells You That You Can Do It, Then You Definitely Can. HAHAAA! (;

Anyway Today Ran Well. HAHAA! New Record Again! 5km In 19.58mins. MIND OVER BODY! YAYYYY! :D Last Fastest Time Was 20.45mins. Good Timing. Next Wednesday Running For National X-Country! 4 Years Since I Last Ran In Nationals! (: I Need The Feeeeeel. The Feeel Of Winning! 我来咯!加油加油!:D :D :D What I Believe In : Just Do My Best! (: The Winning Motivation Actually Also Comes From You. I Want To Win It For You~


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