Monday, October 31, 2011

Love Is A Feeling, Not A Decision. If You Could've Choose Who You Want To Love, It Would've Been Much Simpler But Alot Less Magical.

Computerr Still Cantt Usee. Usingg Laptop Againn. Overall Resultss For My EOY Is Out! Made A Significantt Improvementt.

Here Are The Overall Results:

English      : 59
Chinese      : 63
A Maths     : 60
E Maths     : 69
Chemistry  : 58
Physics      : 49
CHHS        : 72
Geography : 60

Average Percent : 63.0%

Made An Improvementt Fromm Mid-Yearr's Averagee Of 60.1%! Andd My Classs Positionn Moveed Up Fromm 20/43 To 17/43! But Still, Could'vee Donee Betterr.

Holidayss Nott Evenn Startedd Yett. Todayy Is Thee Firstt Dayy Of Bridgingg. Ourrr Holidayss Onlyy Startt 2 Weekss Laterr! Andd Thee Holidayss Are Supposedd For Me To Usee It To Catchh Up On My Physicss! Sighhh.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Just Because We Don't Talk Doesn't Mean I Don't Think About You. I'm Just Trying Very Hard To Distance Myself Because I Know I Can't Have You.

Glad That My Wholee Class Is Ablee To Successfully Promote To Sec 4F! Awesomeeee! Let's All Work Hard Togetherr Towards Our Goalss And Do Brilliant For Next Year'ss 'O' Levels! Haha! (:

Din't Want To Talk Abouut Thiss. Examss Are Overr. Parents Beingg Unreasonablee. I Mightt Be Stupidd But I Triedd My Best, Madee As Much Improvementt As I Couldd. I Thinkk I Did Quite Well And Madee A Tremendous Improvementt. My Parents? What They Think!?? They Onlyy Want To Comparee With Thosee Better Studentss. C'mon This People Aree So Muchh More Smarterr Than Me Or Maybee More Hardworkingg.

But There Is Reallyy No Need To Comparee Withh Others Because Your Greatest Competitor Is You Yourselff. I'vee To Keep Tryingg To Better Myselff, Improving In Every Aspects And It's Not Easyy But Achieveable. I Did, Better Myself In Both Sportss And Academicc. Running. 2.4km 1 Year Ago Timing Was About 10.05mins. Now? At Leastt Aroundd 9mins. Results Wise, I Had More Failures Lastt Yearr Though I Had More A's Too. On Averagee, Might Havee Improved By Abit Because I Din't Do Well For My Midd Yearr Examss.

As A Father, You Don'tt Encouragee Me But Threaten Me Aboutt Everyy Singlee Small Little Thinggs. I'm Moree Disappointed In Youu Than You Aree In Me. Whenn I Do Badly, You Will Bringg Me Down The Roof. When I Did Exceptionally Well This Timee, You Din'tt Praise me And You Saidd I Din'tt Do Good Enoughh. Sigh. What A Pityyyy.

What I Could Do Noww Is Look At The Starss And Wishh For A Miraclee.


Monday, October 24, 2011

I Look At The Stars, Close My Eyes And Made A Wish For You.

Computer Keyboardd SPOILTT So Don't Havvee The Chancee To Blog. Usingg My Bro's Laptop. SA2 Results Are Out And I'm Overall Very Satisfieed!
Here Are Mine SA2 Results! (: (Rounded Off) The Results In Bracketts Is My CA2 Resultsss! :D

English      : 63 (57)
Chinese     : 62 (66)
A Maths    : 59 (55)
E Maths    : 69 (53)
Geography: 69 (45)
CHSS        : 75 (66)
Physics      : 49 (41)
Chemistry : 54 (40)

Overall Madddee A Hugge Improveementt For Mosst Of The Subjeccts Exceptt Chinese!~ Hehehe! My Hardwoork Did Paidd Off! :DD

Awesome Song! ^^

That's All Forr Thiss Post! (:~


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

When Bad Things Happened, Don't Look Back! It's Just Another Nightmare!

And Today Feels Likee A Great Day! Some Results Were Good, Some Bad. As Usual, My Results Neverrr Fail To Surprisee Me! They're Alwayss Exactt Opposite From Whatt I'vee Expectedd.

As For Mathss, Could've Donee Better! Nothing Muchh To Say. As Usual, I'm Foreverr Careless And Thesee Carelesss Mistakees Couldd Have Helped My Physicss To Pass And Even Get An A1! Awww. I Suckk! Expectedd To Fail A Maths Becausee The Paper Was Really Difficultt! But Ended Up Failing Physicss! Glad To Pass The Rest Of The Subjectss So Farr Though! (:

Shall Post My Results Only When I've Gotten All My Results For All Subjectss Back! Just Hopee I Don't FAIL ENGLISHH! Then Life Feels Greeattt!

Stay Tune~


Monday, October 17, 2011

Others Can Help You But It's More Important That You Help Yourself And Not Be Dependent On Others.


And The Biggest Hurdle Of The Year Is Finally Overrrr! Can't Wait For Wednesdayyy To Comee Causee I'm So Curious How Badlyyyy I'll Do!!! I Wantt To Know I FAILL How Many!! I Don'tt Thinnk I'll Faill Thoughh! The Paperss Are Overalll Quite MAnageable! Must Do Well AH!!!

And Now 1 Target Down, 2 More Targets I Have Till The EOY! (:
1) 2.4km Under 8.30mins If Possible!! Definitelyy Possible Cause I Believee I Can!! Ahaha!
2) -Secret-
Huat AHH!!!

Nice And Awesome Song! (:


Thursday, October 13, 2011

You're My Only One. You're My Everything.

Exams Are Finally Almost Over! Left Last 2 Paper 1 Of Physics And Chemistry!!! Time Really Flies! Worked Really Hard This Time. Some Papers Are Manageable, Others Just Were Really Diffucult. But Than Again, What's Over Is Over, Just Hope I Don't Fail Any Subjects This Time!

Sometimes, It's Really The Effort That You Put In That Matters Rather Than The Results. If You Did Your Best, It's Possibly The Best Results You Could Have Gotten And So One Should Just Work Harder And Not Get All Disappointed. Really Hope The Effort I Put In Will Pay Off! (:

This Awesome Song! Long Time Never Heard, But Recently Heard It Somewhere! Haha!

Did Not Blog For A Long Time Cause Of Exams. This Should Only Be A Short Post Till My Results Are Back! (:


Monday, October 3, 2011

It's Always Easier For Us To Lie To Ourselves Than To Accept The Truth. But Have You Thought That We Will Still End Up Facing It?

Long Time Since I Last Blogged. Din't Really Have The Time To Touch The Computer. Mugging Really Hard This Few Days.

Have Shown Improvement In My Recent Test Which Have Helped Pull Up My CA2 Overall Results And My Grades Have Improved Significantly. Still Shouldn't Get Too Distracted And Carried Away By Those Test. They're Not Difficult And I Could Have Done Better. They're Not Questions That I've Not Done Or Encountered Before. They're Similar And Therefore I Should Have Gotten What I've Gotten Wrong Right! Get It Right!

And As I'm Blogging Here, The Time Is Ticking. Running Out Of Time. Like Seriously, There's A Whole Lot To Be Tested In The EOY, Basically Everything From The Start Of The Year Till The End ( That's Why It's Called EOY Exams!), And For E Maths, Sec 1-3 Work Will Be Tested, Basically Everything I've Learnt Since I Entered Secondary School. Haha. Will Try My Best This Time! I'm Not Gonna Aim For Promotion Criteria Because I'm Quite Sure That's The Bare Minimal. Definitely Aiming For Much Better Grades. Work Hard Now, And After The Exams I'll Get My 'Reward'.

Not Gonna Waste Any More Time On Blogging. Shall Continue With Revision.

Sincerely Wish Everyone Good Luck In Their EOY Exams And Hopefully Let's All Successfully Promote To Sec 4 Together! Jiayou! Huat Ah! (:
