Wednesday, October 19, 2011

When Bad Things Happened, Don't Look Back! It's Just Another Nightmare!

And Today Feels Likee A Great Day! Some Results Were Good, Some Bad. As Usual, My Results Neverrr Fail To Surprisee Me! They're Alwayss Exactt Opposite From Whatt I'vee Expectedd.

As For Mathss, Could've Donee Better! Nothing Muchh To Say. As Usual, I'm Foreverr Careless And Thesee Carelesss Mistakees Couldd Have Helped My Physicss To Pass And Even Get An A1! Awww. I Suckk! Expectedd To Fail A Maths Becausee The Paper Was Really Difficultt! But Ended Up Failing Physicss! Glad To Pass The Rest Of The Subjectss So Farr Though! (:

Shall Post My Results Only When I've Gotten All My Results For All Subjectss Back! Just Hopee I Don't FAIL ENGLISHH! Then Life Feels Greeattt!

Stay Tune~


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