Thursday, October 27, 2011

Just Because We Don't Talk Doesn't Mean I Don't Think About You. I'm Just Trying Very Hard To Distance Myself Because I Know I Can't Have You.

Glad That My Wholee Class Is Ablee To Successfully Promote To Sec 4F! Awesomeeee! Let's All Work Hard Togetherr Towards Our Goalss And Do Brilliant For Next Year'ss 'O' Levels! Haha! (:

Din't Want To Talk Abouut Thiss. Examss Are Overr. Parents Beingg Unreasonablee. I Mightt Be Stupidd But I Triedd My Best, Madee As Much Improvementt As I Couldd. I Thinkk I Did Quite Well And Madee A Tremendous Improvementt. My Parents? What They Think!?? They Onlyy Want To Comparee With Thosee Better Studentss. C'mon This People Aree So Muchh More Smarterr Than Me Or Maybee More Hardworkingg.

But There Is Reallyy No Need To Comparee Withh Others Because Your Greatest Competitor Is You Yourselff. I'vee To Keep Tryingg To Better Myselff, Improving In Every Aspects And It's Not Easyy But Achieveable. I Did, Better Myself In Both Sportss And Academicc. Running. 2.4km 1 Year Ago Timing Was About 10.05mins. Now? At Leastt Aroundd 9mins. Results Wise, I Had More Failures Lastt Yearr Though I Had More A's Too. On Averagee, Might Havee Improved By Abit Because I Din't Do Well For My Midd Yearr Examss.

As A Father, You Don'tt Encouragee Me But Threaten Me Aboutt Everyy Singlee Small Little Thinggs. I'm Moree Disappointed In Youu Than You Aree In Me. Whenn I Do Badly, You Will Bringg Me Down The Roof. When I Did Exceptionally Well This Timee, You Din'tt Praise me And You Saidd I Din'tt Do Good Enoughh. Sigh. What A Pityyyy.

What I Could Do Noww Is Look At The Starss And Wishh For A Miraclee.


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