Monday, October 31, 2011

Love Is A Feeling, Not A Decision. If You Could've Choose Who You Want To Love, It Would've Been Much Simpler But Alot Less Magical.

Computerr Still Cantt Usee. Usingg Laptop Againn. Overall Resultss For My EOY Is Out! Made A Significantt Improvementt.

Here Are The Overall Results:

English      : 59
Chinese      : 63
A Maths     : 60
E Maths     : 69
Chemistry  : 58
Physics      : 49
CHHS        : 72
Geography : 60

Average Percent : 63.0%

Made An Improvementt Fromm Mid-Yearr's Averagee Of 60.1%! Andd My Classs Positionn Moveed Up Fromm 20/43 To 17/43! But Still, Could'vee Donee Betterr.

Holidayss Nott Evenn Startedd Yett. Todayy Is Thee Firstt Dayy Of Bridgingg. Ourrr Holidayss Onlyy Startt 2 Weekss Laterr! Andd Thee Holidayss Are Supposedd For Me To Usee It To Catchh Up On My Physicss! Sighhh.


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