Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Everyone Deserves A Second Chance Because Nobody Is Perfect.

Long Timee Sincee I Last Blogg Causee I'm Like So Lazyyyyyyyyy. :P Whateveer Lahh. Ohh. And I Hatee Bridgingg Okayy But I Got To Lovee It Becausee It's Gonna Be Reallyy Useful Next Yearr When I'll Be Takinggg My 'O' Levels. What IRONYYY! (:

Holidayyy Officiallyy Startss Next Weeek Onlyyy. I Reallyy Don't Wannt It To Starrttttt! Becauseee In No Timeee It's Gonna Endd And The 'O' Leveels Is Just Roundd The Corneer. Not The Timee To Relaxx But Musst Still Relax 因为休息是为了走更长的路! (:

If I Don'tt Do Weell, I'm Not Goood Enoughh, I Just Got To Tryy Hardeer. REALLY HARDERR. Not Goingg To Dependd On Otheers But Myselff. It'ss Not Like The Otheers Cannot Be Trusteed Becausee I'm Luckyy To Havee So Manyy Awesomee Friendss By My Sidee. But Theey Can't Be Withh You Throughoutt Your Entiree Life. Accept It. Live It.

Andd I Really Don't Knoww Why This Song Is Always Stuck In My Heaad!

Shall Be Posting The Year 2011 Statistics Veryy Sooon On My Blog! Stay Tune~

幸福也是 静静的
在背后把你 抱紧

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