Friday, November 11, 2011

Things Happen, Change Is Inevitable. People Change.

Finallyyy! No Moree Bridginggg! Woohooooooo. The Holidayyys Are Heere. Couldn'tt Possiblyy Call It Holidayys Becausee There's Reallyy A Wholee Lot Of Homeworkk To Be Completeed And Nextt Year's Gonna Be A Stressful Yearrr. I Almostt Can't Copee In Sec 3 Alreadyy, Can'tt Thinkk Of How I'm Gonna Cope In Sec 4..

Todayy Is 11/11/11. 11 November 2011. Nothing Special Happenedd To Me Or At Least For The Firstt Halff Of The Dayy Exceptt That I Wass Really Carelesss And Broke A Test Tubee. LOL! At Leastt To Me 11/11/11 Is Just A Normal Day Like Any Otherr Dayy.

But Than Againn, Extraordinary Thingss Do Happeen When You're Not Expectingg It. I Don't Believe In All The 111111111111111111's Like Other Peoplee Do. What Happenedd Todayy Could It Havee Been A Mere Conincidencee? Doubtt So. Or Maybee I'm Thinkingg Too Muchh.

Don'tt Usuallyy Jog In The Afternoon Becausee I Really Reallyy Hate To Avoid So Manyy Peoplee In The Afternoon So That I Don'tt Bang Into Themm And There'ss Thosee Traffic Lightss, Can'tt Possibly Dashh Across The Roadd Becausee There're So Manyy Carss On The Roadd Unlikee At Night. Waitedd For About 7 Traffic Lightss Compareed To The Usual 2. Any Moree And We Couldn'tt Possibly Have Mett. Lastt Minutee Changee Of Jogging Routee To Schoool And Then Backk To Hougang Greeen To Buy 豆花 Andd 汤圆 For Dinneer Causee I Reallyy Not Hungryy And Feeel Like Eatingg.

Maybe It's Just Pure Coincidenceee. Or Maybe There's Something Magical With All The 1's.


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