Monday, October 3, 2011

It's Always Easier For Us To Lie To Ourselves Than To Accept The Truth. But Have You Thought That We Will Still End Up Facing It?

Long Time Since I Last Blogged. Din't Really Have The Time To Touch The Computer. Mugging Really Hard This Few Days.

Have Shown Improvement In My Recent Test Which Have Helped Pull Up My CA2 Overall Results And My Grades Have Improved Significantly. Still Shouldn't Get Too Distracted And Carried Away By Those Test. They're Not Difficult And I Could Have Done Better. They're Not Questions That I've Not Done Or Encountered Before. They're Similar And Therefore I Should Have Gotten What I've Gotten Wrong Right! Get It Right!

And As I'm Blogging Here, The Time Is Ticking. Running Out Of Time. Like Seriously, There's A Whole Lot To Be Tested In The EOY, Basically Everything From The Start Of The Year Till The End ( That's Why It's Called EOY Exams!), And For E Maths, Sec 1-3 Work Will Be Tested, Basically Everything I've Learnt Since I Entered Secondary School. Haha. Will Try My Best This Time! I'm Not Gonna Aim For Promotion Criteria Because I'm Quite Sure That's The Bare Minimal. Definitely Aiming For Much Better Grades. Work Hard Now, And After The Exams I'll Get My 'Reward'.

Not Gonna Waste Any More Time On Blogging. Shall Continue With Revision.

Sincerely Wish Everyone Good Luck In Their EOY Exams And Hopefully Let's All Successfully Promote To Sec 4 Together! Jiayou! Huat Ah! (:


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