Thursday, June 30, 2011

People Say The World Keeps Changing...But I Wonder When Will You?

Hmm..... It Really Got Me Thinking Hard... You Must Be Wondering What....

Today Had Maths Test... I Think The Test Was Overall Rather Easy..Hope To Get A Good Grade This Time.... If I Meet My Father's Expectations For The CA2 And Even Better For The EOY, He'll Get Me An IPhone 5 Which Is Coming Out Really Soon.. And Even If I Don't Get One, I Just Want To Change My Phone! My Phone Always Hang And Is Full Of Problems! -.- Time To Mug Hard..Yes Really Really HAARRD! :D

Anyways...You Must Be Wondering What I Have Been Wondering About.. 
I've Been Thinking About My CCA ( Basketball ) I Don't Find Passion In It...When There's No Passion, I'm Not Motivated To Do Well... It's Totally Different From Running..When I Changed My CCA To Join Basketball In Sec 2... There Was Passion But I Don't Know Where It Had Gone To... It's A Different Type Of Feeling... 
I'm Not In School Team And I'm Not Motivated Like The Others That Are Not In School Team To Train Really Hard So That They Have A Chance To Enter The School Team... Mr Lim Thinks I Have The Speed.. Yes I Do.. But So What I'm The Fastest Among My Level? When I'm Handling A Ball, It's A Totally Different Thing... It's A Different Feeling... I'm Not Focusing On What I'm Supposed To... My Mind Is Forever Wondering.. 
When I'm Handling A Ball, My Speed Does Not Become An Advantage... It Just Slows Me Down And My Speed Is Like Just The Same As Any Slower Runners You Can Find And They Even Have Better Skills Than Me.... When There's No Passion, I Learn And Forget Easily.. I'm Not Afraid To Admit This..I Think You Probably Take Any Sec 2's, They Can Thrash Me.. Basketball Is Not Running.. I Take Up Basketball Just Because It's A Sport Activity, I Think That's The Reason I Can Find To Convince Myself Why I Took Basketball As A CCA...And I'm Really Sure If I Work Hard, I Can Play Better Than Many Other Players..But Something Is Missing And Lacking..... Where's That PASSION?
  Sigh... Running Is Part Of Me..But Why Basketball Isn't?

Yes! And I'm Also Different From The Others! Jogging Keeps Me Going! It Works Way More Effective Than Crying My Hearts Out! I'm Glad My Passion Actually Helps Releases Stress! :D

There's Really Got So Much More To Add On To....So Much To Pour Out....But I Shall Stop Here.... Leaves Me Reflecting On Myself...


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

If Someone Is Irresponsible, Than An Innocent Party Will Have To Make Up For It...

Just Back From Training...Very Tired But Also Not So Tired? O_O Today's Really A Bad Bad Day! Everything In The Morning Was Going Fine..It Started From The Afternoon...

During ENGLISH Lesson..There Was A New Trainee Teacher That Came In...Mr Lee Was Talking About Oral Stuff And It Was The Last Period Of The Day.. Was Very Tired So I Just Put My Head On The Table ( But I Was Not Sleeping -.-) Than The Trainee Teacher Call My Friend Call Me Wake Up..( When I Wasn't Even Sleeping? ) Than Very Pekcek...

Second Thing Pisses Me Off The Most..... After Basketball Training Ended... My File Was Being TRAMPLED ONTO And It Totally Cracked.... I'm Okay With It... But The Person Who Step On It ( Shall Not Say ) Simply  Walked Away As If Nothing Happened And Continued To Went Back To Play Basketball... Such Irresponsibility...

Din't Want To Cause Trouble So I Never Confront Him... But Doesn't That Make Us Reflect On Ourselves? What Is Responsibility? Trampling On A File And Simply Walk Away As If Nothing Happen? Than What About The File Or Rather The Person Who Owns The File? How Can Someone Step On A File And Not Even Notice It? (Sure Got A 'Crak' Sound Or At Least Would Have Felt The Impact) Not Even A Sorry?

I Always Stick To My Principles..STAY OUT OF TROUBLE... Anyway If I Think I Confronted Him, He Would Have Given Whole Lot Of Excuses So What's The Point? All I Have To Do Is Just Spend Money And Get A New One? My Other File Also Spoiled In A Similar Way ( Friend Accidentally Push The File Off The Table And Fell Onto The Ground - Also Cracked ) Still, I Have To Take Up The Responsibility Right For Not Doing Anything Wrong? Sigh.

Third Thing...Don't Want To Say It...Family Problems... Why Can't My Brother Be More Understanding And Why Can't My Mother Nag Less? One Day Never Buy Dinner For My Bro He First Thing I Reach Home Than Say This Say That...Mum Just Go On Nagging... Can't You See I'm So Tired? -.- Than All I Have To Do Is Ignore And They Go On Blah Blah Blah...

Problems And Problems..Never Ending Problems And It's Just The Second Day Of School...Sigh.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Maybe That Time Will Never Come, But I'll Wait...

Time Really Flies~ Today Is Already The Last Day Of The School Holidays Already! I'm Not Prepared For The School To Re-Open Yet!!! Still Have Homework And Projects Undone And Many Things That I Want To Do During The Holidays, I Don't Have The Time To Do So...

Yesterday Went To Malaysia! Had Lot's Of Fun Eating Durian And Also Climbed Mount Ophir. Nice Waterfall View! But Never Managed To Climb Up To The Peak Of The Mountain Because We Didn't Have The Time And We Did Not Declare That We Were Climbing To The Peak ( Need To Declare So That They Will Be Able To Know How Many People Went Up And Ensure That You Make It Down And Not Go Missing ) Haha! Climbing Mountain Can Really Be That Fun And Challenging! Feel Like Climbing One..Maybe This December Holidays? My Aim Is To Climb Mount Kinabalu! :D Visited Jusco Too But Din't Really Have Much Time To Shop Because Of The Lack Of Time! :( Had Dinner At An Awesome Restaurant! 8-Course Dinner At Grand Straits Garden Restaurant Inside A Ballroom! The Food Was Definitely Delicious! :)

Durian Feast! :D Eat As Much As You Can! Haha!

Nice Waterfall! :)

Grand Straits Garden Restaurant! ^^


Haha! Really Had Lot's Of Fun! ^^ 

Anyway I Love This Song! ( Random ) :D

That's All For This Post! Going Shopping Later! ^^ Stay Tune~


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Nothing Ever Really Stays The Same Forever...

And Finally..I'm Back From Councillor Camp And Back To Blogging! Did You Guys Miss ME? :P Haha Jkjk! Finally Done With The Unpacking! So Dead Tired...

Okay... Not Really Satisfied With This Year's Councillor Camp..Reason Being Simple: TOO LITTLE GAMES!!! Too Much Time Was Taken Up During The Duty Training And Especially Rehearsing The Investiture.. The Food Was Overall Okay! But I Enjoyed The Buffet Pretty Much Because Of The Dessert.

This Year's Investiture, I Must Say, Is Really Very Grand And There're Really Many Procedures To Be Done...A Performance Must Also Be Put Up By All The Sec 3 Councillors! Phew! Sec 3 Councillors Will Also Be Getting A New 'Senior Councillor' Badge. All Councillor Tie Will Also Have A New Design Apart From The Student Body...

There're So Many Changes Up To Come..Yea.. Nothing Really Ever Stays The Same Forever..Time Really Flies..School Will Be Re-opening In Another 4 Days And There'll Be A Huge Change In The Time Table... Will Be Going Malaysia On Saturday For Durian Trip..Going Shopping On Sunday... BUSY BUSY WEEK!!!

That's All For This Post! See You Guys Really Soon! :)


Monday, June 20, 2011

Everything Comes To An End...Nothing Ever Lasts Forever

Finally Done With The Packing!!! Back To Blogging Again Cause You Won't See Me Blogging, At Least Till Thursday Cause There's Camp Tomorrow Till Thursday! Yes! And It's Councillor Camp! -.- 

Today Finally Started On 1 Out Of 5 Projects... Started On Chinese Project Which Is Probably Almost Done With But There's Still English, Maths And Science Projects! Won't Be Able To Complete It I Guess, Since It's Down To The Last Week Of The School Holidays..Time Really Flies... I Will Also Be Going On A Durian Trip To Malaysia This Saturday, So I Guess I'll Be Really Busy This Week...

The Day Before, Had BBQ And It Was Awesome...But Yesterday Was Equally Awesome...Yes! Yesterday Was 
Happy Father's Day!!!

Although I Don't Really Like My Father Because He's Really Strict And Sometimes Really Irritating...But I Must Say, He Does All This Because He Really Cares For Me... When Someone Overly Cares For You, You'll Feel That Your Freedom Is Being Taken Away..I Think That's The Case Why I Probably Don't Really Like Him Sometimes... But Still I Love You Papa! Thanks All This While For Taking Care Of Me!

Yesterday, Went Cycling With My Awesome Cousins At Pasir Ris Park!!! Simply Awesome Day Out And Also Tried Out The Coke Float @ Macdonalds! Have Not Cycled For Such A Long Time And So I Had Lots Of Fun! Also Had Dinner With My Relatives :)

But I Guess Time Really Flies, Everything Comes To An End...Nothing Ever Lasts Forever.. The Holidays Are Coming To An End And It's Time To Focus On My Studies...

Readers, How Are You Holidays? Feel Free To Ask Me Any Question Or Make Comments Through My Formspring! Thanks! :) Love You Guys! :D


Sunday, June 19, 2011

If Only Those Bits And Pieces Can Be Put Together Again...

Yesterday Had A Great And Awesome Time With My Relatives... Yes BBQ's!!! I Love BBQ's... Had Such A Great Time Helping Out To Set The Fire Going And Keep The Heat Going By Fanning! (: Thought It Was Gonna Rain But I'm Glad It Didn't! Had A Great Sense Of Satisfaction Going Around Serving My Fellow Relatives With The BBQ-ed Food! ^^ Also Had A Great Time Eating The Food...There Was Really Too Much To Finish! -.- But Still, We Manage To 'Clear' Everything!

It may seem like there's a lot of drinks but 
when we started drinking, seems abit less? :P

Look at the amount of food...

Marinated Chicken prepared to be BBQ! ^^

Vodka! This Was My Favourite..Taste
more like soft drink though it's slightly bitter!

My first serving...haha seems less right?

Sorry! Camera no flash, can't see clearly, but
 yea! This is my second round! Haha lots of 
Chicken and there's still Otah and Hot Dogs!

Round Number 3! Haha look at the amount of food!
There's Prawns and Chicken!

LOL! This is epic! My Cute Nephew posing with
his marshmallows in front of the camera...

Maybe you can't see what I'm doing...but I'm actually
BBQing the marshmallows using the heat from the side

My uncle 'attending' to the food! YUM!

Sad for this fish! ^^ 
It's so delicious that it's not spared!

My Marshmallows! :D

Actually After I Tried To BBQ The Marshmallows, I Realise It Takes Not Only Patience, But Also Love And It Takes Effort To Make It Really Firm, Crispy And Soft... Yes I Actually Learned Something Out Of Those DUMB MARSHMALLOWS! HAHAHA!

That's All For This Post! Stay Tune~


Friday, June 17, 2011

Every Rose That Blossoms Need To Be Showered With Love And Care...

Decided To Update My Blog... Yes After Finally Completing My A Maths Quiz And E Maths Quiz...... A Maths Quiz Got Only 16/20 While E Maths Quiz Got 18/20.. Both Quizzes Took Me More Than 3 Hours To COMPLETE!!! Anyways I'm Finally Done With It..Haha!

Still Have Not Started On A Single Project And The Holidays Are About To End...My Holidays Are Just Like Me Sleeping For One Whole Day And Woke Up To Find That It's All Over And Gone With And A New Tiresome School Term Is About To Start...

Next Whole Week Will Be Busy With Councillor Stuff And Will Also Be Going For A One Day Tour Overseas... Tuesday To Thursday Will Be Having Councillor Camp..Won't Be Free On Saturday And Sunday...Left Monday And Friday To Complete My Left Over Homework And All My Projects.. Seems Totally Crazy!?

Yes...To Me, You Are Like that Shooting Star..
It's The Most Wonderful Thing That 
Can Happen To Me In My Entire Life


Monday, June 13, 2011

Ask me anything

At The Rate Time Flies, You Can't Catch it...

When You Realise it, More Than Half The Holidays Is Gone...The Holidays Always Seem To Past So Fast While During The Exams Period, When We're Really Mugging Very Hard, We Realise That Time Tick So Slowly...

Yesterday Went Out With Friends To Do Homework..Than Went To Hougang Mall To Have Lunch.. Haha Realised Got A New BubbleTea Shop! Kawa Cafe! Bought The Milky Milk And Cocoa Milk Flavour! Both Was Awesome But I Prefer The Milky Milk Flavour Since It Has A Refreshing After-Taste..But Still Too Sweeeet! (Like You)... Shall Go There Very Soon Cause Owe 'Someone' A Treat..


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Nothing Is Left When All Is Over... Except Those Beautiful Memories~

My Holidays Are Going Nowhere...... Feeling So Bored~ Can't Wait For My Friends To Be Back From Their Overseas Trip.... FASTER!! >:(

Anyway I'm Really Hooked To 许嵩 Songs... It's So Nice! Hahaha And Meaningful... I Love Songs With Good Background Music And Meaningful Lyrics... So Good To Emo..Haha LOL! :P

Here's Another Song From 许嵩

Haha If You Love His Songs Can Go And Search For His Songs... Not All Are Nice To Me Though~

Really Bored So I Decide To Blog~ Stay Tune...


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

When You're Happy, I'm Happy And We're Happy! :D

Feel So Extremely Bored And Lonely This Few Days..All My Friends Off For Overseas Trip Even My Closest Friend... My Only Buddy Now Is My MP4!!!

Great Singapore Sales 2011 Is Here... I Want To Go On A Shopping Spreeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! But Need To Wait For My Friends To Be Back First...Hahas Looking Forward To That (:

This Holidays Are Filled With Projects And I Haven't Started One Yet! LOL! There's Still Councillor Camp On The Last Week Of The Holidays... Got To Start Soon Or Else Cannot Complete!!! Jiayou Jiayou! :D

This Song Is So Nice! I'm Hooked To It And Sharing With You Guys!! :)
Here Are The Lyrics:





That's All For This Post!~ Stay Tune Readers~


Sunday, June 5, 2011

I Will Wait Till The Day Comes...(:

First Week Of The June Holidays Gone Like That...Din't Do Much Except Going Through Some Of The Mid Year Papers To See Where I Went Wrong...

Friday's Trail Sucks! So Sian La! Should Not Have Went For It! LOL! But No Choice, Have To Take Pictures Of Some Stuff For Project!

And I Also Re-arranged My Table So It Wouldn't Look So Messy..I Must Have Been Mugging So Hard That I Totally Forgot My Tables Are Filled With Books Till My Mum Told Me To Arrange And Clean My Table...

Just A Short Post..Busy This Few Days!~
