Tuesday, June 28, 2011

If Someone Is Irresponsible, Than An Innocent Party Will Have To Make Up For It...

Just Back From Training...Very Tired But Also Not So Tired? O_O Today's Really A Bad Bad Day! Everything In The Morning Was Going Fine..It Started From The Afternoon...

During ENGLISH Lesson..There Was A New Trainee Teacher That Came In...Mr Lee Was Talking About Oral Stuff And It Was The Last Period Of The Day.. Was Very Tired So I Just Put My Head On The Table ( But I Was Not Sleeping -.-) Than The Trainee Teacher Call My Friend Call Me Wake Up..( When I Wasn't Even Sleeping? ) Than Very Pekcek...

Second Thing Pisses Me Off The Most..... After Basketball Training Ended... My File Was Being TRAMPLED ONTO And It Totally Cracked.... I'm Okay With It... But The Person Who Step On It ( Shall Not Say ) Simply  Walked Away As If Nothing Happened And Continued To Went Back To Play Basketball... Such Irresponsibility...

Din't Want To Cause Trouble So I Never Confront Him... But Doesn't That Make Us Reflect On Ourselves? What Is Responsibility? Trampling On A File And Simply Walk Away As If Nothing Happen? Than What About The File Or Rather The Person Who Owns The File? How Can Someone Step On A File And Not Even Notice It? (Sure Got A 'Crak' Sound Or At Least Would Have Felt The Impact) Not Even A Sorry?

I Always Stick To My Principles..STAY OUT OF TROUBLE... Anyway If I Think I Confronted Him, He Would Have Given Whole Lot Of Excuses So What's The Point? All I Have To Do Is Just Spend Money And Get A New One? My Other File Also Spoiled In A Similar Way ( Friend Accidentally Push The File Off The Table And Fell Onto The Ground - Also Cracked ) Still, I Have To Take Up The Responsibility Right For Not Doing Anything Wrong? Sigh.

Third Thing...Don't Want To Say It...Family Problems... Why Can't My Brother Be More Understanding And Why Can't My Mother Nag Less? One Day Never Buy Dinner For My Bro He First Thing I Reach Home Than Say This Say That...Mum Just Go On Nagging... Can't You See I'm So Tired? -.- Than All I Have To Do Is Ignore And They Go On Blah Blah Blah...

Problems And Problems..Never Ending Problems And It's Just The Second Day Of School...Sigh.


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