Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Looks Like Everything Is Slowly Falling Apart Into Bits And Pieces

This Will Just Be A Short Post And Won't Be Blogging This 2-3 Weeks.... Cause The Mid-Year Exams Are Coming! ARghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Have Been Doing Very Badly Recently For My E Maths And A Maths Test! Zzz ):  Physics Test And Chemistry Test Was Still Okay But I Could Have Done Better!! So Many Careless Mistakes Leh! -.-

Next Week Is Already The Mid-Year Exams..Got To Jiayous! Those That Have Not Done Well For Recent Test, It's The Time To Work Harder And Do Well For Our Mid-Year Exams To Pull Up Our Overall Marks! :)

It's Not The End Of The World If You Fail, Just Try Harder! 
More Importantly, Don't Give Up! 

Anyways..Tomorrow Got 2.4km Run For Napfa And My Leg Is Hurting :( Keep Going Jogging Than Now Still Never Recover Yet... My Tomorrow Timing Sure Very Slow! ):

That's All For This Short Post! How're You Readers Preparing For Your Exams? Good Luck People And All The Best For Your MYE!! :D


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So Silly Of Me To Think That Someone Looking Alike Could Replace You...

Hey Readers! How Was Your Napfa? Haha I Hope All Of You Got Good Results! :D Today Was Kind Of Interesting As There's The Councillor Presidential Election As Well As Napfa! :) And The Sad Thing Was I Had Duty For The Councillor Presidential Election -.- Really Had A Tough Time Explaining The Instructions To The Class And They Did Not Understand The Instructions Fully... Sigh.

Okay Now For The Napfa Results ( They're Quite Poor ) :( 

Sit-Ups : 60 > Last Year Was 52 [ 42 To Get A ]
Standing Broad Jump : 228cm > Last Year Was 238cm D: [ 225cm To Get A ]
Shuttle Run : 9.5s > Last Year Was 9.3s [ 10.2s To Get A ]
Sit-And-Reach : 46cm > Last Year Was 44cm [ 43cm To Get A ]
Vertical Pull-Ups [ Just For Fun, Don't Have To Do Cause I'm 14 :D ] : 16 > Last Year Was 5 [ 8 To Get A For 15 Year-Olds ]
Inclined Pull-Ups : 54 > Last Year Was 36 [ 28 To Get A ]
Total : 25/25 Points :D

That's About It... 2.4km Will Be Ran Next Week Cause It's Not Done In School :) Looking Forward To Having A Great Timing... Anyways Very Disappointed With My Shuttle Run Timing :( Could Have Been Much Faster Cause I Lost My Balance And Nearly Fell.. LOL! Haha Jiayous People For Your 2.4km Next Week :D And Also Good luck To Those Having Physics And A Maths Test Tomorrow!! :)

If You People Noticed, The Moon Is So Round And Bright This Few Days :D Haha Something Random... Stay Tune Readers .^.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Miracles Do Happen, When You Least Expect Them To...

2 More Weeks Before The Mid-Year Exams And I'm Still Not Geared Up -.- This Is Not The Time To Slack..I Will Be Busy This 2 Weeks Because My Relatives From Other Countries Return To Singapore, Need To Entertain Them..That Means I Won't Have Much Time Left For Revision...Sigh.

Anyway I Just Realise
  Miracles Do Happen...When You Least Expect Them To...
Friday Sports Day Wasn't Supposed To Win Anything But I Did!! :D Firstly, I Thought Our 4x100m Team Wasn't In The Finals Because We Wasn't Aware That There Were Some Problem With The Results... And Secondly, When We Ran The 4x100m, We Got Fourth And Was Not Supposed To Win Anything.. But Who Would Have Thought That It Was A False Start!! LOL! :) The 2nd Time We Ran, We Came In 3rd And We Each Won A Medal... So It Was Like Some Sort Of Miracle... Especially, It's Hard To Believe That The False Start Was The Reason We Came In 3rd!! .^. And More Importantly, Even Though We Know That The First Time We Came In 4th, We Never Gave Up And Did Our Best... And We Got A 3rd :))

Oh! And I Just Realised The T-Hub At Hougang Plaza Is Closed Cause I Have Not Visited That Place For A Long Time Since Early January ( Went There For Pool ) Sigh. I Loved The Cheeseeee FRIES!! :( Now It's Gone! T_T And My Bubbletea Too!!! D: Sianz TTM!

Got To Start Studying Hard Already...Cya Soon Readers~ ^^



Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I Am Willing To Sacrifice Everything...Just For You...

About A Quarter Of This Year Have Passed...I Cannot Emphasize More That Time Really Flies...Treasure Everything You Have Now...Treasure Every Moment...Treasure Every Second...More Importantly Treasure Your Life! :) Nothing Is / Can Be Fair In This World...
This World Is A Cruel World But All You Have To Do Is Look At It In A Different Angle And Face It With A Different Side Of Yourself! :D 

Mid-Year Exams In Less Than 1 Months Time And Having Lots Of Test Next Week As Well As Lots Of Homework...I Wonder Why The Teachers Want Us To Do Well For The Test And Still Spam Us With Homework.. Don't They Realise Doing Their Homework Means Lesser Time To Revise For Test?! -.- And If We Don't Complete Our Homework, They Just Keep Stacking And Stacking And We'll Owe Homework For The Rest Of The Year -.- Feeling The Stress!!! Sigh.

Readers, If You Have Not Started Preparing For Mid-Year Exams Now Than I Advise You Do So Now! It's Always Better To Start Early :) Good Luck Peeps! .^.


Friday, April 8, 2011

I Have Always Wanted To Tell You " I Love You "

Phew! Next Week Having Lots Of Test And This Week Still Have Lots Of Homework To Be Completed -.- I Wonder How The Teachers Make Us Study For Test If They Still Give Us So Much Homework Sia! -.-

And Finally...The Indoor Sports Hall 2nd Floor Is Now Opened To Basketballers! 3 Cheers! :D Love Using The Indoor Court :) Anyways NAFA in 2 Weeks Time And Sports Day Is Exactly 1 Week From Now!

Yesterday Basketball Training Was Great! Did Some Drills And Physical Training... And More Importantly Ran 2.4km! :D Yay! I Broke My 2.4km Record Timing Of 9.26 With A Timing Of 9.13 Though I Wasn't Exactly At My Top Form Because My Leg Still Hurts While I'm Running...Which Means My Timing Should Be Able To Go Under 9 Minutes.. I Believe I Can Do It! .^.

And I'm Finally Back To Watching 'Oh! My School!' :) Long Time Since I Last Watch It haha! Though Don't Really Have Much Time To Do So, But I Manage To Squeeze Some Time Out For Me To Relax Abit ^^

That's All For Now Readers~ Stay Tune! :)


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Among All The Stars, You Were The Only One That I Had My Eyes On...

This Few Days, Got Back Some Of Our Test... Poor Results Although I Never Fail.. I Really Got To Start Pushing Hard For Great Results... Really Very Disappointed With My Recent Test Marks :(

I Don't Know Why This Few Days I'm Constantly Being Reminded Of The Past...Just 1 Year Ago.... I Was Enrolled In English Tuition And From The Start, My Objective Was To Learn But I Soon Found That My Objective Has Changed.. I Did Not Go There To Learn... I Miss You Loads! When You Changed To Another Tuition, I Didn't See The Point In Staying And So I Quitted Too.. Sigh.. Why Am I Saying All This Stuff? Really Missed Seeing You Even Though It's Only Once A Week...Sigh.

Sports Day Is Coming Anyways... Will Not Participate In Many Events This Year... Still Have To Prepare For Class Cheer And Dance -.- And More Importantly, Exams Are In 1 Months Time... Shall Start Preparing Sooner. I Need To Do Well This Time! :)

Just A Short Post.. Readers ( If Any ), Jiayous And Work Hard For The Mid-Year Exams Too! Haha! :D


Friday, April 1, 2011

You Give Me Every Reason To Smile...But Also Possibly, Every Reason To Cry Too...

Time Really Flies I Guessed... Hope Everything That Comes, I'll Be Able To Handle It :)

Never Took Part In Today's Heats Because My Leg Muscles And My Hand Muscles Really Hurts Like Hell... Really Can't Run..I'm Sorry.. I'm Disappointed In Myself Too... Took Part In Chinese Chess Competition..And Let's Not Talk About It..-.-

Today After Everything Went To Eat At Long John Silvers @ Compass Point And Had A Cup Of Pearl Milk Tea At Cupwalker... Really Brought Back Lots Of Memories Of Those Blissful And No-Stress Days In Primary School... And Thinking Of Those Days, I Really Regretted Not Treasuring Them... They Were The Days That I Had The Most Fun And Freedom...There Were No Worries At That Period Of Time... It Has Been At Least 3 Years Since I Last Ate At Long John Silvers Till Today... Thinking Of It...Makes Me Feel Very Empty On The Inside...Sigh.

Lots Of Homework This Weekend... And Tomorrow Morning Have To Practice The Class Cheer For Sports Day...So Tiring!!! Have To Wake Up Early As Usual Again... -.-

That's All I Guess For This Post..... Anyway My Blog Don't Really Have Any Readers... (:
