Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So Silly Of Me To Think That Someone Looking Alike Could Replace You...

Hey Readers! How Was Your Napfa? Haha I Hope All Of You Got Good Results! :D Today Was Kind Of Interesting As There's The Councillor Presidential Election As Well As Napfa! :) And The Sad Thing Was I Had Duty For The Councillor Presidential Election -.- Really Had A Tough Time Explaining The Instructions To The Class And They Did Not Understand The Instructions Fully... Sigh.

Okay Now For The Napfa Results ( They're Quite Poor ) :( 

Sit-Ups : 60 > Last Year Was 52 [ 42 To Get A ]
Standing Broad Jump : 228cm > Last Year Was 238cm D: [ 225cm To Get A ]
Shuttle Run : 9.5s > Last Year Was 9.3s [ 10.2s To Get A ]
Sit-And-Reach : 46cm > Last Year Was 44cm [ 43cm To Get A ]
Vertical Pull-Ups [ Just For Fun, Don't Have To Do Cause I'm 14 :D ] : 16 > Last Year Was 5 [ 8 To Get A For 15 Year-Olds ]
Inclined Pull-Ups : 54 > Last Year Was 36 [ 28 To Get A ]
Total : 25/25 Points :D

That's About It... 2.4km Will Be Ran Next Week Cause It's Not Done In School :) Looking Forward To Having A Great Timing... Anyways Very Disappointed With My Shuttle Run Timing :( Could Have Been Much Faster Cause I Lost My Balance And Nearly Fell.. LOL! Haha Jiayous People For Your 2.4km Next Week :D And Also Good luck To Those Having Physics And A Maths Test Tomorrow!! :)

If You People Noticed, The Moon Is So Round And Bright This Few Days :D Haha Something Random... Stay Tune Readers .^.


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