Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Looks Like Everything Is Slowly Falling Apart Into Bits And Pieces

This Will Just Be A Short Post And Won't Be Blogging This 2-3 Weeks.... Cause The Mid-Year Exams Are Coming! ARghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Have Been Doing Very Badly Recently For My E Maths And A Maths Test! Zzz ):  Physics Test And Chemistry Test Was Still Okay But I Could Have Done Better!! So Many Careless Mistakes Leh! -.-

Next Week Is Already The Mid-Year Exams..Got To Jiayous! Those That Have Not Done Well For Recent Test, It's The Time To Work Harder And Do Well For Our Mid-Year Exams To Pull Up Our Overall Marks! :)

It's Not The End Of The World If You Fail, Just Try Harder! 
More Importantly, Don't Give Up! 

Anyways..Tomorrow Got 2.4km Run For Napfa And My Leg Is Hurting :( Keep Going Jogging Than Now Still Never Recover Yet... My Tomorrow Timing Sure Very Slow! ):

That's All For This Short Post! How're You Readers Preparing For Your Exams? Good Luck People And All The Best For Your MYE!! :D


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