Friday, May 6, 2011

I Was Hoping Somehow We Will Be Able To Know Each Other Better...


Phew! Finally There's No More Exams, At Least For This Week! :D Though Next Week Will Have To Take Another 8 More Papers -.- I Will Fail Geography And A Maths ):

Lucky This Week's Paper To Me Wasn't Difficult And Was Rather Okay! :) But I Don't Know About Next Week's Paper! A Maths Got So Many Formulas Need To Remember And I Don't Know How To Apply Them! :( As For Geography, There Are So Many Things To Remember... Sigh. And As For Physics, I'm Not Very Confident Cause Still Not Very Clear How To Apply The Formulas Yet! The Other Subjects Should Be Rather Okay, I Hope :)

The Exams Are Not Yet Over Yet And I'm Looking Forward To The End Of The Exams! :D After Exams Got 5 Days Don't Need Go School! ( Saturday - Wednesday ) Shiok AH! :DDDD And Plus The Cross-Country Is Coming And So Is My B******Y :DDD And Not To Forget The 
So Now Must Concentrate And Do Well For Exams First! :))  

Readers~ Good Luck For Your Exams :D Work Hard Now And You Can Enjoy Your Holidays~


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