Sunday, December 21, 2014

Finally. I'm One Step Closer To Becoming The Person I've Always Wanted To Be But Failed So Badly.

Finally Had Time To Reflect At My Usual Spot After My Run.

It's Almost The End Of The Year. The Best Thing And Most Memorable Thing That Happened In My Entire Life Was This Year. But Still What A Shitty Year And The End Is The Worst. I Hate The Past Few Months So Much. Coping With All The Shit. I Changed So Much And For Once I Really Think I Am Changing For The Better. At Least I Will Stop Hating Myself For Being A Nice And Considerate Person. Because I Really Can't Take It Anymore.

I've Always Thought Being A Nice Person Means You Have A Bigger Heart Because You Care More And You Can Tolerate All The Hurt More Than Any Ordinary People. I Don't Fucking Understand Why I Always Think Of Others And When I Finally Think Of Myself, I Realise How Shitty I'm Treated. Why Do I Always Fucking Put Others Before Myself? That Shouldn't Be The Way How Things Work Because No One Ever Does That In This Fucked Up Society.

If You Do That, You Are A Rare Species Of Being Plain Stupid. And I Am. Why Be The Nice Person When No One Else Even Gives A Fuck. Maybe They Do? For A Short Period Of Time. Then They Take For Granted? Correct Me If I'm Wrong. It Just Means After 2014, When 2015 Starts, I Will Give Less Fucks About People.

Oh Yea. Loneliness Has Always Been My Friend. It Always Has. So Fuck Those Who Say They Are Forever Alone When They Never Are. Stay The Fuck Away From Me Thanks. Yes I'm Really Angry. At Myself. Because How Can I Blame Others When I'm The Stupid One Here? (: Might As Well Spend More Time Alone Studying, Or Hone My Cooking Skills Or Even Picking Up Any Other Useful Skills Instead Of Socialising Myself With People.

Because The Fact That People Change, I Will Too. To Be Honest, No Matter How Long You Know Someone, They Will Change Eventually. And So Will I. Had Enough Of Selfish Pricks Who Are Always Thinking About Only Themselves. Come On Bro, The World Don't Revolve Around You. Thanks For Teaching Me How To Fit Into This Society Better. (: So Determined To Change This Time.

Had Enough Of Lies This Year Too. Any Lie To Make Someone Feel Better Is The Worst Kind Of Lie. And I Happen To Do So Too. I'm An Awful Person. I Will Correct That. Sometimes One May Think Telling A Lie May Make Someone Feel Better, But I Guess It Works The Opposite Way? Because I Know Myself Well Enough. Another Reason I Should Stay Away From People HAHAA! Because Look At How Scary Someone Can Be. Look At Me Right Now. I'm Afraid Of Myself For Once Too Haha. But Feels Good To Get Out All This Shit.

So Yayyy To A New Year 2015. RIP 2014. Not Going To Jio Anyone Out Anymore After Next Year. So Bye Bye To Those Friends Who Never Cared And Those That Are Always Waiting For Me To Jio. It's Better If I Stay Away From People Because Anyway No One Cares So Ya (: Always Taken For Granted. People Who Even Think It's Easy To Jio A Group Of People Out Are The Worst Or Those That Haven't Tried Before. Go And Fucking Reflect. Go Try And Jio One Time Then Tell Me How Enjoyable It Is Especially If Everyone Has Different Schedules. And Those Who Don't Even Bother To Reply. Fuck You. Bye Bye. Oh Ya. And What I Really Dislike Most Is Friends With Benefits. No Thank You.

Feels So Good Right Now Letting Everything Out. Phew. (: Bye Bye Sucky 2014. I Can't Wait For 2015. Being Independent Is Always The Best And You Can't Go Wrong Because Inner Strength Is True Strength, Not The Strength You Borrow From Someone Else. Because You'll Never Know When They'll Leave And Your Strength Will Be Gone. HAHAA. Not Gonna Try Anymore. Try Try Try For What? Don't Want Care Then Just Don't Care Lor. (:


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