Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Focus On What You Can Do, Not What You Can't.

Haven't Been Blogging Much Recently On 'My Life', Not That I've Not Been Reflecting. But You See For Once, I Actually Think There's Something Good Being An Introvert Like Me. I'm Writing Because I Feel Many People Out There Can Relate To This.

It's The Ability To Reflect.

I Guess That's What Makes Introverts Better People Than Extroverts. While Extroverts May Gain More Attention And Popularity And Have More Friends, Introverts Have Better Personalities This Is Because They Reflect And Most Become A Better Person.

Take Me For Example. When I Was Really Young, I Always Fought With My Brother. I Had A Really Bad Temper. I Had To 'Win' Always And My Father Sided With Me. I Was Supposed To Grow Up Into A Spoilt Brat. But You See I Did Not. I Guess I Reflected Upon My Mistakes And People Do Change. At Least I've Much Better Anger Management Than Before. But If I Ever Get Angry Again, It's Probably Because I Care. Nothing Less.

And I Really Want To Talk About Someone Really Commendable. It's The Uncle Working At Florist 108 Which Is Located At The Cathay. My Friend Actually Introduced Me To Him About A Year Ago And Every Single Time I Was At The Cathay, I Would Visit Him. And He Would Stop His Work Just To Have A Really Nice Chat With Me And We Talk About Almost Anything (We Talk For Almost An Hour Every Time). So What's Really Amazing About Him Is That He's The First Senior I've Ever Met That Understands Young People Extremely Well. At Retirement Age, He Is Indeed Much Older Than Me But When I Converse With Him, He's Just Like My Friend. No Age Gaps.

He Is Absolutely Right When He Talks About Giving Children These Days The Freedom To Explore On Their Own So That When They Hit A Brick, They Will Learn From It. He Has A Daughter And He Does Not Compare Her With Other Better People Out There. Because He Believes That Everyone  Has Their Own Strengths And It's Not Right To Compare. And He Also Thinks Results Does Not Matter So Long As One Tries Your Best. I Think It's Rare To See Parents These Days With This Kind Of Thoughts And I Felt He Was Really Relatable. He Is A Special Designer And I Really Love The Variety Of Flowers He Has To Offer. His Designs Are Simple And Beautiful. '简单就是美'. In Fact When I Was A Kid, I Actually Won A Drawing Competition During Kindergarten. I Love To Be Creative. It's A Wonderful Feeling After Spending Hours Doing Something And When You Look At It, You Finally Feel Satisfied.

Back To Reflecting. I'm Not An Amazing Person. In Fact I Would Say I'm Awful And The Mistakes I Know, I'll Admit It. It's A Wrong Mindset To Do Something Good And Expect Something In Return. In Fact That's If, The 'Good' Was Inside. And So I Will Just Try And Correct That. These Days I'm Just Trying To Cheer People Up And Encourage People And Maybe Share My Experiences. Hopefully I Can Help Others Out There Who Thinks Negatively About Themselves. Because It's Not What You Can't Do, But Rather WHAT YOU CAN DO. It's Not What You Can't Have, But Rather WHAT YOU CAN HAVE. You See The Overall Picture Is The Same But The Viewpoint Is Different.

I Would Compare Myself To A Computer. When Life Gets Complicated And Messy, I Will Shut Down And Reset Myself. That's How Things Work For Me I Guess. But Sometimes We Make Things More Complicated And The Damage Dealt Is Permanent. Resetting Would Only Help To A Certain Extent. Too Bad I Can't Change My Life Like How I Change A Computer That Is Fully Malfunctioned. But To Me Living Once Is Good Enough. Give More, Expect Less And Hopefully My Life Will Be Much More Fulfilling Than It Currently Is.


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