Monday, June 2, 2014

Yet Another Milestone Reached.

Wasn't My Best Run. In Fact One Of The Worst.

I'm Not Going To Blog Out The Whole Experience Of It, But Yep, Sundown Marathon Really Challenges Me To My Limits, Almost Brought Me To Insanity. The Pain Just So Intense. My Mind Felt Like It Was Bursting Just Like How My Legs Felt Like They Were Tearing Apart. It Was Bad Enough.

Just Simply Say I Prepared Quite Late Only Two Months In Advanced And Only Just One Month Before Did I Really Put In Much More Effort Which Explains Why It's So Tough For Me To Finish This 42.195 Km. And To Be Honest, It Felt Like I Ran More Than That And My Tracker Actually Showed I Covered More.

Timing When I Cross The Finishing Line I Saw Was 4 Hr 31 Mins But I Stop My Tracker Late Which Explains The 4 Hr 34 Mins! HAHAA! But Still Not A Really Good Timing. Under My Expectations. And Well, Look At The Calories Burnt! AHAHAA! One Full Day Of Calories Intake. I Definitely Loss At Least 2-3 Kg I Believe! HAHAA!

Look At All The Swaggg ^

Not Going To Compete In Any More Marathons For The Time Being, At Least Not For This Year. It's Too Damaging To The Knees. I Have Difficulty Walking Even Today And Especially Climbing The Steps. And Since I've Experienced It, My Advise Is DON'T RUN IF YOU DON'T TRAIN HARD ENOUGH.

It's Just That Simple HAHA!


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