Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Start Matters. But What Matters Even More Is The End. How Are You Gonna Finish?

Finally. Today. The Day I've Been Training So Hard For The Past Few Months. Just For Today. It's Sundown Marathon. Flag Off Won't Be Anytime Until About 23 Hours Later. Which Means I Still Have Time To Mentally Prepare Myself As Well As To Do Lots Of Stretching And Really Have A Good Sleep (After I'm Done With This! HAHA!)

Actually I'm Not To Sure How I'm Going To Treat This Race. Starting Well Is Definitely Important. Got To Pace Myself Evenly Throughout The Race. Am Really Nervous To Be Honest Cause I'm Not Sure What The Consequences Are For Finishing The Race And How Well I Will Perform Because It's A Distance I've Never Covered Before. And Most Importantly, I Want To Finish Strong As Well.

So The Plan Is: Take A Marker And Draw On My Hand The Different Checkpoint Timings (Probably Every 2.5km) Target Is Still Low 4 Hours Or If Possible, Below That To Really Give Myself A Really Good Challenge.

Actually That Is Not The Original Plan At All.
The Original Plan Was To YOLO!!! HAHAHAA!

At Least I'm Done With All My E-Learning Assignments, I Can Just Focus On My Race. But Common Test Starts In Just 1 Week Time. And It's On A SATURDAY!!! I Haven't Started On Any Revision Yet Because This Is Such A Busy Semester And I Haven't Really Manage My Time Well. Which Means It's Another YOLO.

Just Gonna Take Things One Step At A Time. All Focus.

Sundown Marathon.

Let's Do This.


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