Thursday, January 30, 2014

Isn't It Weird? How You Just Can Predict Some Things So Dead Accurately?

I Really Don't Know What I'm Feeling Now. Somehow Maybe. It All Happened So Fast Even Me. I Don't Know Since When I've Felt So Attached To You. The Thought Of You Going Back Just Crush Me So Hard I Can Barely Breathe At Times. It Feels So Suffocating.

Memories We Had To The Many Many Places We've Been. They Were The Usual Places I've Always Patronised. It's Just. You're Part Of My Life. I Didn't Expect It To Be This Way. I Thought Everything Was Supposed To Be Temporary. Well The Feelings I Had Developed So Quickly I Can't Even Explain How. But Still. Never Have I Felt Such A Feeling In My Life. Like Even If Everything Was Just An Illusion.

It's Time To Let Go I Guess. It Should All Be Just A Memory But I'm Holding On To It Like It's Just Happening. There's Still Hope. I Have To Just Cut Myself Off Totally.

At Least For Me, Though I Didn't Really Instagram Or Tweet On Any Of Our Meetings, I Think Those Are The Things That Happened That Means The Most To Me. And It's Like A Secret. And There's No Point In Putting On Social Media Because They're Things That Happen That I'll Remember For Life. And I Don't Need A Platform For Me To Look Back. All Inside My Head.

For Now. Letting Go.

Totally No Feel For CNY.


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