Sunday, May 19, 2013

Leaving Footprints In The Sand, But Only My Footsteps Remains.

Woooooooooo! Don't Really Have Time To Blog This Few Days. When I Was A Kid, I've Always Believe That I Would Be Able To Go To Polytechnic And Relax. But That Was Bullshit. My Life Now Is So Super Stress Can. Have To Complete Mountains And Mountains Of Work Every Week, And Worst Still, There Are Countless Projects. Lazy Me Is Lazy When It Comes To Work.

This Week Is E-Learning Week. Nothing To Rejoice About. I Rather Have School. The Workload Somehow Increases During E-Learning Week, And I Find It Really Ironical. Seriously Man.. Give Me Back My School And Takeaway Your E-Learning Week Pleaseeeeeee. Okay That's Not True Actually. As Much As I Want To Celebrate My Birthdayyy With Different Groups Of Friends, I Don't Really Have Much Time Even If I 'Don't Have To Go Back To School For Most Days'.

And To Think This Whole Morning I Actually Spent My Time Mashing Up 'Jason Chen - Still In Love' And 'Stevie Hoang - I'll Be Fine' And I Think It Still Sounds Weird. But Whatever Lah~ HAHAAAA!

Tun Yang what are you thinking of man. You don't stand a chance. Stop thinking. Don't even think about trying.. Arghhhhhh..

Have To Go And Start My Work Nowww~


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