Sunday, May 26, 2013

Wish I Knew What You Were Thinking. Wish I Knew Why I Was Even Dreaming.

Had Lots Of Fun On Friday At Shabu Sushi. With The Most Blossom Buddies And Best Bros One Can Haveeeeee. (: Eat Eat Eat And Lots Of Funny/Retarded/Stupid/Lame Snapchats! HAHAAA! This Week Is One Of The Best Weeks In My Life. Life's Great, Or At Least It Seems Great.

But You Know. Great Times Don't Last. They Never Do. They Past Just As Quickly As They Started. But If They Ever Do, Then We Wouldn't Possibly Know What Great Times Really Are. Just Like Being Happy All The Time, If You Never Really Felt Sad Before, You Wouldn't Know What It Means To Be Happy.

And I Know Clearly. I'll Have To Act Happy When I'm Really Not. I Don't Want To See My Friends Worrying About Me. The One Who Laughs The Hardest Is Usually The One Who Has Gone Through The Most Pain. At Least That's How It Seems Like. It Helps To Forget All The Pain At That Moment At Least.

And.. I Have Really No Idea Why I'm Just Starting To Develop Feelings For You. It's A Very Weird Feeling. But Honestly, Is It Even Possible To Develop Feelings For Someone That You Haven't Really Seen In Real Life? Because I Think That's Impossible. But I Can't Explain What I'm Feeling Like Right Now. It's Like I'm Crazy, But I Don't Know Why I Feel For You. Maybe I Pity You. And You Know What Hurts Me The Most? You Bottled All The Pain In Your Heart, Shouldered All The Burden On Yourself. Trying Not To Breakdown. Trying To Be Happy. When You're Simply Sad. Disappointed. I Felt That Way Before Though For A Different Reason. But I Know How Much It Hurts. Carrying The Pain All Alone. Thinking About All This Makes Me Feel Like Pulling You Over Close To Me And Giving You A Hug. I'll Do Anything To Make You Feel Better. Even If It's Just Me Lending You My Shoulders To Cry On. Really. ANYTHING. Seeing You Like This, My Heart Aches.

Actually I'm Equally Lost As To What Should I Even Do. What Can I Even Do To Lessen All That Pain. I Really Don't Want To Risk Adding On To Your Pain. I'm In A Dilemma As Well. But When I Can't Help, I Feel Equally Useless As Well.

Really. What Should I Even Do? Or Not Do? Let Time Do It's Wonders?


Thursday, May 23, 2013

I'm Growing Older Day By Day And Today I'm 17. I Hope I'm Growing Wiser At The Same Time.


Happy Birthday To Meeeeee!

Time Really Passes So Fast. It Never Stops. In Just A Blink Of An Eye, 17 Years Has Past From The Day I Was Born. And This Is Of Course All Thanks To My Mum And Dad That I Was Brought Into This World! (: 

Thanks Mummmm! I LOVE YOU! <3

And I'm So Glad I Met A Really Good Friend At Work Placeeee. Thanks Sarah For The Treat At Irodori Restaurant! The Food Was Good, Though I Must Emphasise That The Service Was Really Really Bad.
Here Are Some Picturessss Of The Food Served.

And I Really Want To Thank My BFF And BBF Wei Min! HAHAAA! Thanks For The Treat Todayyy At Chicken Hotpot. Though The Food Wasn't That Good, But I Really Enjoyed Myself. And Star Trek Into Darkness Was A Really Nice And Touching Showwwwwww! Thanks Alot Lah Broooo! 9 Years Of Friendship And Counting~

And Of Course, I Want To Thank All My Friends Who Wished Me A Happy Birthday, Whether It's Through SnapChat, Twitter, Facebook, Message Or WhatsApp! Thank Youuu So Much! In The End It's The Thought That Counts! (: I'm Thankful To Have All Of You As My Friends. Thank You!!! (:


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Leaving Footprints In The Sand, But Only My Footsteps Remains.

Woooooooooo! Don't Really Have Time To Blog This Few Days. When I Was A Kid, I've Always Believe That I Would Be Able To Go To Polytechnic And Relax. But That Was Bullshit. My Life Now Is So Super Stress Can. Have To Complete Mountains And Mountains Of Work Every Week, And Worst Still, There Are Countless Projects. Lazy Me Is Lazy When It Comes To Work.

This Week Is E-Learning Week. Nothing To Rejoice About. I Rather Have School. The Workload Somehow Increases During E-Learning Week, And I Find It Really Ironical. Seriously Man.. Give Me Back My School And Takeaway Your E-Learning Week Pleaseeeeeee. Okay That's Not True Actually. As Much As I Want To Celebrate My Birthdayyy With Different Groups Of Friends, I Don't Really Have Much Time Even If I 'Don't Have To Go Back To School For Most Days'.

And To Think This Whole Morning I Actually Spent My Time Mashing Up 'Jason Chen - Still In Love' And 'Stevie Hoang - I'll Be Fine' And I Think It Still Sounds Weird. But Whatever Lah~ HAHAAAA!

Tun Yang what are you thinking of man. You don't stand a chance. Stop thinking. Don't even think about trying.. Arghhhhhh..

Have To Go And Start My Work Nowww~
