Thursday, September 20, 2012

It's Time. I Started. Seating Down And Study. Just Study. And Nothing Else. Enough Of Slacking. Enough Of Playing. Enough Of Sleeping. Just For 2 Months. I Can Do This!

The Day Before Went To Watch Step Up! Was Really Really Nice. The Story. But The Dance Was Really Superb. The Choreographer Must Have Been So Good!

Hmm. So Where Do I Start With? All My Results. Horrendously Horrendous. Not Really. It Just Seems So Compared To Others. People Who Are Improving And Moving At 50000000 Miles Per Second. Me? Not Even 1 Over 100000000 Of Their Speed. So Coool Right?

Okay. Not Cool. I Mean Like Seriously. My Grades Are Pathetic. Not So Much Though. The Amount Of Effort I Put Into My Studies, I'm Sure These Grades Are Really Good, Considering If Others Put In The Same Amount Of Time I Put In. Ya. 1 Week Holiday What Was I Doing? Slack Throughout, Last Minute Revision, Burn Midnight Oil... They Help Only To A Certain Extent. At Least Failed One.. But That's Pathetic Enough.

Reason Being... I Actually.. Got 86 For E Maths.. But I Somehow Failed My A Maths By One And Half Mark. This Actually Sounds Retarded. I Mean Seriously. Not Really Actually, Considering I Din't Even Revise My Half Angle Formula And The Marks That Came Out Were Worth More Than 10. But It's So Unlike Me. Even Teacher Thing I Can Do It. I'm Just Not Trying. A Maths Isn't Difficult. It's The Wrong Mindset I Have And The Insufficient Practice. The Difference Between A Maths And E Maths To Me Is That A Maths Requires So Much More Practice.

Slack My Way Throughout Some More. Managed To Pass Both Pure Sciences With A C5. Combined Humanities Did Badly.. Geography Was A Miracle. Last Minute Study Can Earn Me A B4. Rather Satisfied But Still. People Are Getting So Crazy Gradessss! My L1R5 Is Pathetic.

1 Thing I'm So Dissatisfied About. My Grades.

But At Least This Prelim Made Me Realised 3 Things. 

The Amount Of Effort I Put Into My Studies, Will Reflect The Results I Get.
I Still Have Time. 1 More Month To Make A Difference. I've Been Slacking, So The Results I'm Getting Doesn't Reflect My Potential.
It's Time I Started. Put Everything Aside. Focus. Become A No-Lifer. I Don't Have A Choice. At Least This Prelims Gave Me Motivation To Work Harder. 

Procrastination. Playing Dota. Watch Television. Pooling. Bowling. Slacking. Long Hours Of Nap. Watching  Movies. Day-Dreaming...

Exactly 1 Month Left. I Can Do This. Let's Do This!


Friday, September 14, 2012

When Things Seem So Hopeless.. Forgive Me. Maybe I Gave Up. Maybe I Din't. But My Feelings For You Ain't Gone.

Honestly. Prelim 3. A Total Disaster For Most Of The Subjects. I Really Don't Know What To Say ( And Some People Will Say 'Then Don't Say' ) Left 2 MCQ Papers. I Basically Screw Up Geography Paper 2, Chem Paper 2, Physics Paper 2 And A Maths Paper 1. Aiyah. Siao Liaos. Teachers Still Say Set The Prelim Standard Close To O Levels. What A Joke! That Difficulty Like Level 100 Sia. Like Purposely Demoralise Us Like That.

Time Passing Too Quickly. See The Number Of Days. 37.. And Very Soon It'll Be The Start Of O Levels. In No Time. Everything Will Just End. And I'll Be In JC... Then Army.. Then University.. Okay Not That Fast~

It's Not Like I've Forgotten. Because I Din't. It's Just Pointless. Hanging Onto An Empty Shell, Hoping Something Appears In It Miraculously. Not Quite Possible. But Still I Did... I Sounded.. So Stupid!? ._. One Year Ago... ( Like Once Upon A Time ) What I Did... Everything Was Still So Clear In My Mind. So Vivid. The Reaction. Everything. But... I Know. I Tried. Before Realising. Everything Was Futile.

But Still. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I Want To Tell You Face To Face.. But..


Friday, September 7, 2012

It's Like Even If I Want To Care For You, Help You, Love You, Be There For You.. In What Position Am I Supposed To Be In?

Yesterday Was A Whole Lot Of Fun! Woots! Lunch At Momiji Buffet Restaurant! Here Are Some Pics! (:

HAHAAA! Yums! But Damn Ex Siaaaa! Now Really Brokeee! Yesterday Bowl Again!

Finally Scored More Then 100! (: 
With A Spare And 2 Consecutive Strikes.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Yes. I'm Still Looking At The Very Same Star Each Night.. Wishing.. Still Wishing For A Miracle.

Annoying Man. Today Is What Day? Wednesday? Time Past So Fast? Slacked Throughout My Weekends And Spent Lots Of Time Last Week Visiting My Bro In Hospital. Last Saturday Also Went Frisbee And Bball Till Sunburnt! HAHAHAA! Not Studying At All = GG.

Monday At Least Did An E Maths Paper In School And Go Through Chem Paper. Afternoon Till Night Was So Unproductive. 

Yesterday Morning Was Really Productive. Spent More Then 2 Hours At AMK Library Doing A Maths As Well As Studying SS. And Had My Favourite Ba Chor Mee. After Which Slack Again~

Today. Totally Epic. Had Lots Of Fun. 3 Hours Of Pool. 3 Games Of Bowling With Awesome People. Long Time Din't Bowl And Really Damn Cui Already. Can't Even Reach 100.. Like A Sad. ): Now I'm Broke. Did Not Even Touch My Books At All Today~

Feeling So Screwed Now. Next Week Continual Of Prelims. 1st Subject To Screw Up Is Geography! HAHAA! Human Geography Is Like So Difficult!? The Rest Of The Subject Will Follow Up! I'll End Up Screwing Prelim 3.
