Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Yes. I'm Still Looking At The Very Same Star Each Night.. Wishing.. Still Wishing For A Miracle.

Annoying Man. Today Is What Day? Wednesday? Time Past So Fast? Slacked Throughout My Weekends And Spent Lots Of Time Last Week Visiting My Bro In Hospital. Last Saturday Also Went Frisbee And Bball Till Sunburnt! HAHAHAA! Not Studying At All = GG.

Monday At Least Did An E Maths Paper In School And Go Through Chem Paper. Afternoon Till Night Was So Unproductive. 

Yesterday Morning Was Really Productive. Spent More Then 2 Hours At AMK Library Doing A Maths As Well As Studying SS. And Had My Favourite Ba Chor Mee. After Which Slack Again~

Today. Totally Epic. Had Lots Of Fun. 3 Hours Of Pool. 3 Games Of Bowling With Awesome People. Long Time Din't Bowl And Really Damn Cui Already. Can't Even Reach 100.. Like A Sad. ): Now I'm Broke. Did Not Even Touch My Books At All Today~

Feeling So Screwed Now. Next Week Continual Of Prelims. 1st Subject To Screw Up Is Geography! HAHAA! Human Geography Is Like So Difficult!? The Rest Of The Subject Will Follow Up! I'll End Up Screwing Prelim 3.


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