Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It's Not Like I Don't Trust You, But You Ought To Give Me Something To Believe In..

Fun Times. Happy Times. They Happened. I Looked Forward To. Now They're Gone. Not So, Because Memories, Footprints. They Were Left Behind. (:

Council BBQ Was Awesome, Though It Wasn't As Fun Compared To The BBQ We Had Last Few Years. Because I Got No Chance To Help With The BBQing Of Food! All The Juniors So Enthusiastic! And They're So Thoughtful! Bring Food To Us Seniors Outsideee! Thank You So Much! Ate So Much But Still Hungry In The End. Anyways, There's All The Councillor Teachers To Thank! Ms Pey, Mrs Lo And Of Course Mrs Wee Who Showed Us Her BBQing Skills! 果然是 Home-Econ 老师!HAHAA! (:

Recent Test Was Crazyyyyy! E Maths Test Today Was Okay! Last Few A And E Maths Test Results Has Been Really Inconsistent, Maybe Cause I'm Especially Weak In Trigo Only! The Results 43/50, Followed By 12/40 And 40/50. Trigo Test Failed Really Badly!!

And There Was The Career Day. Thought For Quite Sometime. I Think I Should Go To JC! Since I'm Still Not Quite Sure Of What I Want To Be In The Future, But Most Probably Something To Do With Business. Now Should Be The Time To Work Towards It, Get A Good Grade, Go Into A Good JC! (:

 I Can Do This! I Can Do This! 103 More Days! Huat Ahhhhhhh!


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