Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last Day Of The Year. A New Whole Year Is Approaching. Maybe The End Of The World. 2012.

This Will Be A Really Long Post I Guesss. The Time Now Is 9.35am.

The Last Day Of Year 2011 And Probably It'll Be Gone In Another 14 Hours Time. I'm So Not Loooking Forward To 2012. A Whole New Stressful Year. Will Be Having My 'O' Levels. When The Clock Strikes 12, I  Wouldn't Mind If It Returned Back To The Year 2011, But We Know This Couldn't Be Possible.

Some Of The Statistics Of The Year 2011:

Best Place To Spam : Twitter! HOHO!
Most Visited Place : Ang Mo Kio Library ( Besides School )
Must Change Of The Year : Laziness :P
Most Money Spent On : Foood ( Especially Bubbletea )
Most Eaten Food : Chicken Rice! LOL!
Most Drink Beverage : Koi Cafe's - Green Tea Macchiato
Most Eaten Fruits : Pear?
Most Visited House : Richard's!
Run Of The Year : Run For Hope 2011! 10km in 45.55mins! ^^
Most Influence : 酸人?Or Spinning Of Book! HAHAAA!
Most Respected Person : Steve Jobs?
Most Time Spend On : Listening To Songs On My Mp4
Least Time Spend On : Studies? :D
Joke Of The Year : Work At Macdonald's For A Day Only! Heehee!
Present Of The Year : By Koh Jack
Most Meet-Ups With : LWM
Most Muscular Friend : Jeremy? Or ZH? HAHAA!
Most Lunch With : AKY, During Most Schooling Days! (:
Most Cool Friend : Edmond Peky
Most Epic Friend : Soo Qing?
Most Retard Friend : Fu Yong
Most Zai Friend : Jia An! HAHAA!
Most Helpful Friend : Koh Jack.
Most Calculative Friend : FY Bird Bird!
Most Talk Cock Friend : FY Bird Bird Also!
Longest Day Overseas : 5 Days 4 Night, Fraser Hill / Cameron Highlands. Malaysia.
Most Listen To : Chinese Songs
Closest Friend For 2011 : Edmond Peky / Ho Richard! (:
Best Sister : PC Tohmaytoh! ^^
Best Friend So Far : LWM ( For 7 Years? ) (:
Most Unforgettable Day : 14 September?
Best Achievement : 1st For Cross-Country?
Best 'Buddy' : Old Adidas Sports Shoes ( 3 Years )
Best Companion : My Sony Mp4! ^^
Best Place To Visit : Fitness Corner? HAHAA!
Closest New Buddy : Pompy! ^^
Let Down Of The Year : Results
New Skills : Playing On The Piano
Least Improvement : Pull - Ups ( Disappointed! )
Most Improved : Running, Definitely
Disappointment : Basketball
Sick Days : 2?
Lousiest Subject : Physics
Best Subject : CHHS
Best Results : EOY Exams
Most Daring Thing Done : Run Away From Home. LOL!
Longest Sleeeping Hour Per Day : 14 Hours!
Shortest Sleeping Hour Per Day : 2 Hours!
Longest Time Without Sleep : 63 Hours
Fastest Timing 2.4km : 8.55mins
Fastest Timing 4km : 16.05mins
Fastest Timing 5km : 21.26mins
Fastest Timing 10km : 45.55mins
Most Wanted And Din't Get : A Girlfriend? JKJK! HAHAA! ;)
Most Wanted And Got : Increased In Pocket Money!
Longest Time Never Touch The Computer : 15 Days.
Most Money Spend In A Single Day : $144
Approximate Number Of Days Jogging : 130
Most Epic Day : 18 November? HAAHAA!
Most Number Of Friends Made : In This December Holidays, A Record Number Of 15!

Most Used : Twitter
Least Used : Facebook
Most Visited : Youtube ( Watch Videos / Download Songs )

That's About It. The Time Now Is 10.26. Time Really Flies~ Din't Post Everything But Posted Most Of It! Still Not Yet Done With Some Of My Homework! Arghhhhhhhhh! School Is Starting In A Few Days Time! ): And There's Test Next Wednesday! Have Not Even Touch On My Revision. Today Will Be Counting Down And Tomorrow I'll Be Going Shopping. Totally No Time To Complete My Leftover Homework! Left Monday Only! LOL!


Sunday, December 18, 2011

If Those Memories Would Just Fade Away, Nothing Will Be Left Behind.

Long Time Sinceee I Last Blogged. Sorry! Had Beeen Really Busy. Went To Cameron Highlands And Fraser Hill From 08/12/11 ~ 11/12/11, But Becausee Of Traffic Jam, I Reach Singapore On 12/12/11! HAHAA! Shall Upload Some Pictures!

We're At Fraser Hill! This Is The
Clock Tower.

Fraser's Hill Paddock!

Hello Horse! (:

Saw This Cat Which Is Damn Cute And
Friendly! :D

Stopped By A This Mini Waterfall 
When We're Going Down Fraser Hill.

Bee Farm @ Cameron Highlands!

Cactus Valley!

Strawberry Farm!

Mushrooom Farm!

Taken At Tea Plantation! I Was Pointing
At My Phone To Tell My Dad Where
The Zoom Button Was Then He 
Snapped! LOL.

That's About The Trip I've Been On. I Just Summarise Briefly. HAHAAAAA!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I Really Want To Know, If You've Ever Loved Me, If I've Ever Caught Your Eyes, If We're Even Possible.

This Few Dayss Were Really Fun. Spent Lots Of Timee With Friends And Get To Know Many Peopleeee! Life Feeels Great. No. Maybeeeee Life Is Great! Had Lots Of Fun Balling Withhh Lots Of Awesomee Peoplee! But When You're Having Lots Of Fun, That's When You Realise, Time Is Seating On A Rocket.

Anyway Whatever It Is, I'll Be Going Overseas, To Cameron Highlands And Fraser Hill From Thursday To Sunday Night Or Maybe Even Monday Morning! I'm Really Gonna Miss All My Awesomee Friends. I Don't Want To Go Overseas.. Sigh. Just Want To Spend More Time Withh Awesomee People Before School Reopens! HAHAA! (':

Cherish Every Moment. Cause When It's Gone, It'll Never Come Back.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

I'm Neither Holding On, Nor Letting Go. It's Just Left Hanging In The Air.

Quite Some Timee Since I Last Blog. Had Beeen Really Busyyy. Basketball Camp Was Just Over And Next Weeek From Thursday To Sunday, I'll Be Going Overseas To Cameron Highlands. I Hate It When My Schedule Is Really Packed. Camp's Just Over And There's Yet Another Overseas Trip. I Just Hope To Spend More Time With My Friends.

Anyway Holidays Are Down To The Last One Month. Yeaaaa~ Time Really Flies. It's Just One More Month And We're Back To Reality. In No Time, Everyone Would Be Preparingg For Their 'O' Levels And 'O' Levels Will Be Over. I Say It As If It's Really That Fast, But It Really IS THAT FAST!

Din't Enjoy My BBall Camp. Honestly, I Hate Camps. I Don't Get To Sleeep Well And There's Really No Freedom. And More Importantly, I Din't Feeel That I've Learnt Anything, So It's Like A Waste Of Timee. But It's Not Like I Have A Choice To Attend Or Not To Attend. Cause If I Have, I Wouldn't Have Attend.

That's All For This Post~
