Sunday, December 4, 2011

I'm Neither Holding On, Nor Letting Go. It's Just Left Hanging In The Air.

Quite Some Timee Since I Last Blog. Had Beeen Really Busyyy. Basketball Camp Was Just Over And Next Weeek From Thursday To Sunday, I'll Be Going Overseas To Cameron Highlands. I Hate It When My Schedule Is Really Packed. Camp's Just Over And There's Yet Another Overseas Trip. I Just Hope To Spend More Time With My Friends.

Anyway Holidays Are Down To The Last One Month. Yeaaaa~ Time Really Flies. It's Just One More Month And We're Back To Reality. In No Time, Everyone Would Be Preparingg For Their 'O' Levels And 'O' Levels Will Be Over. I Say It As If It's Really That Fast, But It Really IS THAT FAST!

Din't Enjoy My BBall Camp. Honestly, I Hate Camps. I Don't Get To Sleeep Well And There's Really No Freedom. And More Importantly, I Din't Feeel That I've Learnt Anything, So It's Like A Waste Of Timee. But It's Not Like I Have A Choice To Attend Or Not To Attend. Cause If I Have, I Wouldn't Have Attend.

That's All For This Post~


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