Sunday, December 18, 2011

If Those Memories Would Just Fade Away, Nothing Will Be Left Behind.

Long Time Sinceee I Last Blogged. Sorry! Had Beeen Really Busy. Went To Cameron Highlands And Fraser Hill From 08/12/11 ~ 11/12/11, But Becausee Of Traffic Jam, I Reach Singapore On 12/12/11! HAHAA! Shall Upload Some Pictures!

We're At Fraser Hill! This Is The
Clock Tower.

Fraser's Hill Paddock!

Hello Horse! (:

Saw This Cat Which Is Damn Cute And
Friendly! :D

Stopped By A This Mini Waterfall 
When We're Going Down Fraser Hill.

Bee Farm @ Cameron Highlands!

Cactus Valley!

Strawberry Farm!

Mushrooom Farm!

Taken At Tea Plantation! I Was Pointing
At My Phone To Tell My Dad Where
The Zoom Button Was Then He 
Snapped! LOL.

That's About The Trip I've Been On. I Just Summarise Briefly. HAHAAAAA!


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