Saturday, November 26, 2011

There're Many Things In Life, I Rather Close My Eyes And Forget What I've Seen, And Not Know The Truth.

Hohoho! Did Pretty Muchh Of My Homework. Completed Almost Half Of All My Holidays Homeworkk Alreadyy. HAHAA!

Today's Open Housee Had To Help Out Again. Was Fun. Bringing Parents Around The School, Talking To Themm, I'm Enjoyingg Myself! (: I Just Tryy My Best To Help The Parents Make The Best Choicee For Their Child. Got A Parent Also Waved At Me When They Were About To Leave The Schoool After I Brought Them  On A Tour Around The Schoool! AWESOMEE!

Afterr My Dutyy Meet PC And JX Beforee Going To Seng Kang CC To Do Somee Homeworkk. Then Went To Meet Kelvin And Went To Mac For Lunchh After Which SY Joineed Us! HAHAA! So Fun Jubeat On IPAD! We Basically Slack Like For About 6 Hours At Mac!

Reallyy Fun Dayy Outt! HAHAA! Lookingg Forward To The Next UB Outinggg!!! >>> CYCLING! So Glad To Havee Awesome Friends All Around Me. Maybe Becausee I'm Too Awesomee, That's Why Make So Many Awesomee Friendss. Pardon Me For Being BHB! HAHAA! :P

This Song's Niceee! (:


Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Really Hate How Time Flies. Especially When You're Having Lots Of Fun.

End Of The First Weeek Of Holidaysss. Had Lots Of Fun Though Had Been Really Busyy. Starteed Only A Little On Homework.

Friday Was The First UB Outing! HAHA! Successful I Would Sayy. Morning Went To Plazaa For Lan! Had Lot's Of Fun! Afternoon The Rest Camee To My Housee For A Game Of Monopolyy. EPIC GAME!!

As For Saturday, Open Housee Was Fun! Hadd Lots Of Fun Interacting With Parents, Which Were Really Friendlyy. I Enjoyeed Myself Helping Thosee Parents, Guiding Them Aroundd The School, Relating My Experiences To Them And Assuring Them! :D 助人为快乐之本! ^^

As For Todayy, One Of The Most Significant Day Of Year 2011. Run For Hope 2011 Was A Success, I Must Sayy. Beforee The Run, I Wasn't In Great Conditionn. My Knees Had Beeen Aching For A Few Dayys Already. But I Did My Best. 'I Couldn't Possibly Givee Up' That Was All That Was In My Mind. Peoplee Out There Tryingg Their Best Fightingg Cancerr And They'ree Not Giving Up, How Couldd I Possibly Givee Up? Rann My Bestt, Overtoook Manyy Marathonn Runners. Simplyy Put It, I Overtoook Everyone I Saw In Front Of Me. Timing Of 45+Mins Was My Fastest! Was Reallyy Toucheed Becausee Even Handicaps On Wheel Chair And Crutches Toook Part In The Racee. Neverthelesss, Though My Whole Bodyy Is Achingg, I Did My Best, Definitely The Best Run Of The Year And Alsoo The Most Meaningful. The Research For Cancer Doesn't Stop Heree. Keeep Running.

Never Stop Believing That Tomorrow Will Be A Better Dayy.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

If One Day I'm Just Gone Like That, I Will Know How Insignificant I Am On Earth.

Half Of The First Weeek Of Holidays Almost Gonee Like That. I'm Feeeling Lazyy. Just Toucheed On A Tiny Bit Of My Homeworkk. It's Probablyy Only 1/500 Of What I'm Supposeed To Do.. Okay Or Maybe I'm Just Exaggeratingg! HAHAA! ^.^

Hmm. Holidayss Is The Time To Relax. But Then Again I Can't Possiblyy Relax Too Muchh. My Brain Is Rustingg. I'm Startingg To Forget Some Of The Thingss I've Learnt In Sec 3. Reallyy Need To Reinforce Or Elsee Next Yearr Really CANNOT MAKE IT!

Anyways I'm Gonna Havee A Reallyy Busyy Weekeends. Fridayy Outingg With Friendss, Saturdayy Havingg Primary Schoool BBQ? Sundayy Going For The 'Run For Hope 2011'! HAHAHAAA! At Least They'ree Enough To Keep My Mind Busyy.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Things Happen, Change Is Inevitable. People Change.

Finallyyy! No Moree Bridginggg! Woohooooooo. The Holidayyys Are Heere. Couldn'tt Possiblyy Call It Holidayys Becausee There's Reallyy A Wholee Lot Of Homeworkk To Be Completeed And Nextt Year's Gonna Be A Stressful Yearrr. I Almostt Can't Copee In Sec 3 Alreadyy, Can'tt Thinkk Of How I'm Gonna Cope In Sec 4..

Todayy Is 11/11/11. 11 November 2011. Nothing Special Happenedd To Me Or At Least For The Firstt Halff Of The Dayy Exceptt That I Wass Really Carelesss And Broke A Test Tubee. LOL! At Leastt To Me 11/11/11 Is Just A Normal Day Like Any Otherr Dayy.

But Than Againn, Extraordinary Thingss Do Happeen When You're Not Expectingg It. I Don't Believe In All The 111111111111111111's Like Other Peoplee Do. What Happenedd Todayy Could It Havee Been A Mere Conincidencee? Doubtt So. Or Maybee I'm Thinkingg Too Muchh.

Don'tt Usuallyy Jog In The Afternoon Becausee I Really Reallyy Hate To Avoid So Manyy Peoplee In The Afternoon So That I Don'tt Bang Into Themm And There'ss Thosee Traffic Lightss, Can'tt Possibly Dashh Across The Roadd Becausee There're So Manyy Carss On The Roadd Unlikee At Night. Waitedd For About 7 Traffic Lightss Compareed To The Usual 2. Any Moree And We Couldn'tt Possibly Have Mett. Lastt Minutee Changee Of Jogging Routee To Schoool And Then Backk To Hougang Greeen To Buy 豆花 Andd 汤圆 For Dinneer Causee I Reallyy Not Hungryy And Feeel Like Eatingg.

Maybe It's Just Pure Coincidenceee. Or Maybe There's Something Magical With All The 1's.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Everyone Deserves A Second Chance Because Nobody Is Perfect.

Long Timee Sincee I Last Blogg Causee I'm Like So Lazyyyyyyyyy. :P Whateveer Lahh. Ohh. And I Hatee Bridgingg Okayy But I Got To Lovee It Becausee It's Gonna Be Reallyy Useful Next Yearr When I'll Be Takinggg My 'O' Levels. What IRONYYY! (:

Holidayyy Officiallyy Startss Next Weeek Onlyyy. I Reallyy Don't Wannt It To Starrttttt! Becauseee In No Timeee It's Gonna Endd And The 'O' Leveels Is Just Roundd The Corneer. Not The Timee To Relaxx But Musst Still Relax 因为休息是为了走更长的路! (:

If I Don'tt Do Weell, I'm Not Goood Enoughh, I Just Got To Tryy Hardeer. REALLY HARDERR. Not Goingg To Dependd On Otheers But Myselff. It'ss Not Like The Otheers Cannot Be Trusteed Becausee I'm Luckyy To Havee So Manyy Awesomee Friendss By My Sidee. But Theey Can't Be Withh You Throughoutt Your Entiree Life. Accept It. Live It.

Andd I Really Don't Knoww Why This Song Is Always Stuck In My Heaad!

Shall Be Posting The Year 2011 Statistics Veryy Sooon On My Blog! Stay Tune~

幸福也是 静静的
在背后把你 抱紧